Years ago when they were first getting Jurassic World up and running they approached Jackson Thompson to be in charge of guest safety and asset reduction. After spending several months watching and learning. The first day of active duty he was admiring a Velociraptor up close. This was before Owen Grady showed up on the island. The Velociraptor was not properly secured like he was told. Jackson was clawed across the face. After the doctor fixed him up and he wasn't being affected by the drugs given to him, he went to the fool who was responsible for securing the Velociraptor. The fool was the Paddock Supervisor for the Velociraptor. Jackson forced the Paddock Supervisor to stare at his scars. "Next time you secure a Velociraptor this badly I am going to throw you into the middle of the Paddock along with Velociraptors. Your only hope is to run very fast, but a tub of lard like you wouldn't get very far, and the park can forego feeding the Velociraptors once that day. After Jurassic World closed he took numerous big game hunters who wanted to hunt dinosaurs with him to Isla Muerta. It was one of the islands less used by InGen but never the less it housed dinosaurs. All of the big game hunters signed a waiver that in the case of injury, maiming, or death shielded Jackson from liability. When they decided to reopen Jurassic World they contacted him to merge his previous position with that of the deceased Katashi Hamada.