Looking at the boy he smirked some watching him poking the bodies [b]"They are quite dead now"[/b] he said as he backed some of his supplies into a bag. [b]"I'm a bounty hunter of sorts"[/b] He said turning to look at the boy [b]"I hunt down Cults and covens, even monsters of myth and legend."[/b] He added as he looked out the door before throwing his bag over his shoulder. [b]"I suspected Briar was something more then human, but even that he is to weak to do what is happening here. I needed to know if he had any allies in this town, weed them out and find those that can be trusted to some degree"[/b] He was implying that the boy himself was a suspect as he soon walked out of the back room and then out side. Seen the native and the business looking man [b]"Now you see Girl"[/b] he told her before looking to the business man. He didn't recognize the man, and he seemed human enough. Lacking that stench of magic and corruption. That being said a business man was simply some one that He preferred to avoid, and trust very little [b]"You, what is your name?"[/b] He asked him as he looked at him. His gaze not one easily met as his eyes reflected the years of hard living as those steely blue hues were not of a man you took lightly.