As the ferry comes to a stop on the island, Dr. White can feel a glare of anger being targeted towards him. All he could do was sigh to himself. No doubt did he work on Indominus, but he was the one that put the genetics INTO the I-Rex, not the one suggesting the DNA plot-holes. Yet he is still guilty about the disaster back at the first park, even though he wasn't there when it happened. He quickly grabbed his bag as he steps off the ferry. He looks up to see massive storm clouds coming towards the island. Considering they were partially responsible for the whole dilemma at the first Jurassic Park, he really had a bad feeling about this. As White gets off, he can see Owen Grady and Kelly Malcom talking to each other. He has seen Owen back during the first park and has heard of Kelly several years ago, only ever seeing a picture of her shown by Dr. Wu. He felt like talking to the two but was slightly nervous, as he wears a white lab coat... a geneticist's white lab coat... and heard all the details from Claire Dearing about what the I-Rex had done. After looking at them for a few seconds, he quickly walks with his bags towards the mainland. If Wu was on this island, he will want to have an urgent word with him...