[b][i][color=00aeef]Raymond Wilson Jr.[/color][/i][/b] Unlike the others Raymond had been on the island already and had actually been here for a few months. While the ferry was still nearing the island he was inside the labs with his father and Chickie. He was holding her in his hands to make sure she didn't get out of his sight while he was talking to his father. Well, it was actually just his father talking to him about the incident and how he had played a hand in it all. He felt ashamed by it and wished that all those people hadn't died for a mistake that he and the other geneticists had made. RJ wondered why his father decided to rejoin Jurassic World. Maybe he was trying to repent for those mistakes that caused many lives. Maybe he was going to try and make sure that they didn't go too far this time. When they were notified that the ferry had arrived he looked to his father and said, "I'll be back. I'm just going to say hello to the others." He knew that some of the employees were returning and that others were new. They had a lot of positions that needed to be refilled and that was especially the case for the Security Division. He was in the Control Room when he saw the security's monitors flat-lining. That was the worst coffee delivery that he had ever experienced. He shuddered at the memory and walked off with Chickie still in his hands. He headed outside and walked to where the ferry docked. He saw the others getting their things off and talking to each other. It was certainly an interesting group that had gathered. He recognized a few of them already. Owen was a trainer, Dr. White was a geneticist like his father, he recognized one of the interns but couldn't remember her name. They didn't work together much since her focus was mostly focused on the vet side of the park. He looked up to the sky to see the dark clouds closing in on the island. A storm on the day of their arrival? That was an ominous sign if he ever saw one. He shook the thought from his mind and walked over to introduce himself. While most were still working on getting things off the boat a small group had gathered. He gave a smile and a nod to Dr. White and kept on walking until he got to Owen, Kelly, and Thomas. When he reached them he said, "Hey, I'm Dr. Raymond Wilson Jr., but you can call me Ray or RJ or Raymond. No need for the honorific." While he said that Chicklet jumped out of his arms having been tired of not having her own space. She landed in front of him and scanned the others with her brown eyes.