Fang didn't have much to say about the test mission being offered, something that was pretty normal for him. He listened to the others mentioned their roles but didn't say anything, though he considered weighing in when Finn mentioned needing an actual plan. He had never been much of a planner though, the group he used to run with would make the plans or at the very least point him in the direction of their target. He wanted to suggest they just do the same, but decided he would just follow where ever the most violence was at. He didn't need a leader or anything so he just pressed the panel and waiting for anyone else that needed to do so in order for them to start the mission. It sounded like it would be a good chance for him to at least show others that he was pretty strong and squash any ideas of others punking him. When he was in prison it was the only way he could operate quickly show he wasn't easy to bully and they would go back to messing with the weaker metahumans who didn't have their lackeys to protect them. While he waited he paid close attention to the others watching their body language and other thing else that could help him get a feel on them. It was seeming everyone was ready but Finn so he hoped that someone else would remedy his desire for a plan soon enough.