[b]Jackdaw Missouri Tagged;; Elijah (Later in post)[/b] Jackdaw hadn't been expecting it...at all. The man had been in the elevator, on the way up to the top floors, assault rifle slung across his back, and his dad's old, weathered 10mm clenched in his right fist, his left fist gripping the underbarrel, ready to steady his aim and flip on VATS whenever necessary. The man's breathing was now calm and even, his golden gaze focused, if not pained and emotionally chopped and screwed - obviously, what he had witnessed...what he had done, it was having some sort of mental effect on him. As he thought about it, his breathing quickened the slightest amount, and Jack forced it to relax, exhaling slowly, and closing his eyes. It was just supposed to be for one second...close his eyes for one second, gather himself, and then open them, ready and rearing to rain Hell down upon whatever was creating this mayhem, and anyone whom got in his way. A rather...calloused and jaded way of thinking, but his mind and body were both tired and bruised, and he wasn't thinking straight...or was he? It was true that he wanted the creatures to die, just the way things went, but everyone else? Regardless, this wouldn't be happening, because, as soon as his eyes had closed for the brief second, multiple things happened at once. The elevator abruptly stopped, something fell onto it's roof, before falling inwards, and the screaming began. Bullets ricocheted across the wall, but the elevators were much to narrow, and Refugees fell, their blood slapping across his jumpsuit, his face, and his gun. Jack only stared for one second, mouth hanging slightly in pure, dumb shock, before he released his own scream and unloaded a full clip of 10mm ammunition right in it's hideous face. The thing reared back, but didn't appear harmed...at all. As it lashed forward, lunging with speed and power Jackdaw could hardly match, the man twisted on his feet, allowing the sharp claws to pierce the elevator's walls. Bringing his pistol up, he jammed it one...two...three times against the creature's arm, as refugees unloaded their clips within it's back. Finally, the bone broke from the vicious force, and Jackdaw jerked backwards bringing his gun up as the creature roared in pain. It began it's vicious cycle once again, swinging it's broken and dangling arm around for attacks, as well. This...this was insane. He couldn't beat this creature with only a 10mm...if only he could get closer without dying. Refugees fell, and within minutes, it was only him...and an abnormally large....security guard? Jackdaw's eyes narrowed, and subconsciously ducking underneath the creature's claws, and rolling between it's legs and onto his feet, Jack brought his gun up and aimed it at the guard's head, whom was focused on the creature. If he was going to die...then he would take scum out with him. But...when the man and the creature charged, Jack shook his head, holstering his pistol. If the guard wanted to die, he'd let the creature have it. He began glancing around, and his eyes caught the hole the creature made. Perfect. Tensing his legs, Jack leaped up, his calloused hands gripping the jagged hole the creature made. His form, lean and muscular, was more than enough, and although his body was bruised and slightly tired, the man leaped through the hole, using his arms to get into a standing handstand, which turned him into an upright position. At this point, he knew what he had to do. This vault had never been his home...at all. Discrimination, bullying, security and admin abuse...that wasn't the way to live. He had better chances leaving this damn Hell-Hole, and trying his luck in the real world...the place his father once knew. As he thought of his new plan, Jack began climbing the ladder rungs swiftly, already having done this multiple times with his dad. As he made it up to about Atrium-level, he saw the other elevator, along with a group of vault dwellers...the people from his old class, it looked like. That didn't matter. He began climbing again, his arms grabbing rung after rung, until he reached the Security Checkpoint shaft, the hatch already opened, it looked like. His eyes narrowing, Jackdaw quietly slipped through the opening, crouching down and grabbing his 10mm. Pulling it up, he slowly stood, his footsteps quiet as he began making his way through the area. Bodies were everywhere...but at this point, he was used to it and the smell, and the fact that they were majorly security guards squashed any feelings he may have had. His eyes were focused, constantly glaring around. Someone else had to be in here, or maybe they were already dead - a corpse on the cold steel floor? The sound of movement in the security office alerted him, and Jackdaw slid across the floor, back quietly pressing against the wall as he peeked into the room. A man going through and sorting corpses' items and Refugee containers was there. A sharper glance showed him that it was Elijah. He could be hostile. The thought passed through his brain before he could stop it, and Jackdaw went with the cautious thought, slowly coming out from behind cover. [b]"Elijah."[/b] He called out, making sure not to raise his voice. However, just in case, his grip on his 10mm was tight, and ready to blast a hole within the boy's head if it came to it. A tiring thought...but he had killed so many already, what would one more really do? [b]"The Hell are you doing?"[/b] He walked closer, narrowing his eyes slightly. Looting corpses so quickly...had the man been expecting this? He didn't know what he thought about doing such a thing...but maybe it was necessary, as it was now. His father had always told him about how violent and miserable the upper world was. He would have to get used to this. Hell...he was mostly used to all this at this point. As a 10mm clip was thrown towards another pile, Jack's hand lashed out, grabbing the magazine. Smoothly flipping his pistol up, the boy ejected the half-spent clip inside of the gun, pocketing it, before roughly slamming the fresh magazine into the gun. His low, rough voice began again, still quiet. [b]"Nevermind. You're leaving too?"[/b] It was more of a statement, than a question. Jack crouched, taking a few more clips of pistol ammunition. He needed something to keep them on...his pockets were not too efficient. There was nothing of the sort here...maybe outside, he'd find more suitable clothing. For now, he'd deal with this. He pocketed the clips, thankful that the jumpsuits had deep pockets.