Xarzith kepesk woke from his sleep. It was dusk. It was time to start his second flight of this trip. He wonders how he is going to meet and talk to the heros that will save their species and his own. Xarzith kepesk knows a basic ploymorph spell but it only allows to assume the the form of medium sized animals and evn then he needs some time and practise. He has never turned into a human but Xarzith kepesk can do a dog. That is probably his only option. Xarzith kepesk is potentially short on time. Even after the sunset, he flew on. He could see well in the dark, in many wars better than in daylight. After a while of flyong, Xarzith kepesk landed next to a river and morphed into a dog. He decided to sleep til morn. When morn cames, he will carry on foot to the human capital. It is a day away on foot. The smells and sounds of the grass, leaves and bark are all welcoming him back to the forest. This is not the same forest although it has been more then a century since Xarzith kepesk has been this far south. Xarzith kepesk drifts off to sleep.