So if you know me, or saw my signature, you can tell i'm a hardcore Cap fan. So i'm super interested in doing one featuring him! It won't be a Avengers RP, but more of a S.H.I.E.L.D. RP, with Black Widow, and Hawkeye, and Falon, and coulson, and Fury join in on it. I had a couple of ideas that could be fun to do 1) After Cap has been here a while the Tesseract unleashes a familiar foe to Rogers: The Red Skull. Hellbent on power and magic, he will try to once again take over the world. And when he finds out Captain America also survived, he would seek revenge on the man who ruined him. Red Skull would get his own army again with tesseract weapons, creating a new HYDRA. S.H.I.E.L.D. will have to ask to call in Rogers to help stop his archenemy. 2) Our own version of Cap vs. The Winter Soldier. More plot will go into this one. I'm in a rush at the moment haha Would anyone be interested in joining in on one of these ideas???