Schaeffer casually flicked the blade on his wrist, with a little blood coming out as was normal. He showed almost zero reaction; this was standard procedure, after all. He then raised the vial like a toast and effectively cleaned the wound with the liquid. The blood washed away normally, with no strange reactions whatsoever. He frowned as he was asked about his connections around here. "I've always had a bit of a trouble finding allies around here. I had one trusty asset that hasn't responded since last month, and if anything, this place tends to lure the young and the monsters more than good connections." "I heard something about an artifact... a tablet... around here." He quickly checked around him right after he said that, attempting to pass his reversed procedure as normal. "Have you heard anything about that?" [hr] Kaephypton nodded reluctantly. "I suppose so... it is a strange world these days. Talthael never mentioned these... cars." he wondered why this place had, from what he could guess, three angels including himself. [hr] The waitress came back out with a full cup of water. When she put it down, Redmond took a good look and sniffed at it. It wasn't the strangest thing that the waitress had seen all day... but it didn't help her sanity, either. "I asked for water, yes? And I did mention what I wanted?" The waitress nodded. "Then what... is a lemon... doing here?" he pointed at the lemon while giving her a stare. He didn't raise his voice, but his tone was clear enough. "Uh... sorry... I can get another one." she moved to take the cup. "No... no... leave it." he glared at her. [i]You're lunch....[/i] She almost broke down as she walked towards the bathrooms on the other side of the diner, vanishing into the ladies room. Half a minute later, Redmond got up and walked in that same direction. [i]Time for lunch.[/i]