[center][h1]Ferrero Mall[/h1][/center][center][h2]26/4/2015[/h2][/center] Masa shrugged his shoulders in response to her question, glancing behind himself as he began to speak, "[color=8493ca]Second year... I've actually been going to the schools here for a few years now. Just don't get around much, I guess.[/color]" His voice trailed off slightly as his speech drew to a close, his gaze returned to the girl, "[color=8493ca]Shizuka, was it? What is there to do around here? I haven't really had time to unwind in a long time.[/color]" As he spoke, he motioned for her to follow. Now talk about being out of your element... This was one of the first times he had actually held a conversation with his fellow students. In fact, it was actually a relief. It was hard for him to wander about without at least someone knowing who he is, or at least his reputation in school. Though he was an excellent student, he had earned a reputation for his appearance- often called ghost or specter in reference to it. For the most part he brushed it off, just a few ignorant idiots that had no idea how much he had given to the town. 'They'll all remember me some day... And they won't be laughing then.' It was then that he looked behind himself to ensure that she was following. "[color=8493ca]So what's your story, anyways? You always on the look out for stumbling idiots?[/color]"