[center][hider=Arguis][img]http://mayhemandmuse.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/A-fantasy-Photoshop-painting-in-which-a-boy-plays-chess-with-mice-while-confetti-and-streamers-fall.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Arguis [i]Might[/i] 10 Might/ 1 FreePoint [i]Level[/i] 4 [b]Domains/Portfolios:[/b] Knowledge (Nigh Omniscience) [b]Musical Theme:[/b] Normal: [url=https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bbWwU6S7WSg]Feather[/url] War Theme: [url=https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uu94eOQqYP4]Enfin Apparu[/url][/hider] [hider=Summary] -Quay and party travel to Summi -Meet a hostile dragon -Escape into a ravine -Made it to the Summit[/hider][/center] Within a few hundred feet of entering the forest that defined the borders between the Human and Uri Realms, Quay felt blind. His eyes still worked—he could see mottled light shining on the smooth, silver trunks of the wood, could track the shadows playing over the forest floor—but all he could find in any direction were the trees, stretching on and on over small rises and little streams into forever. He lost his sense of direction, swatted nervously at small biting flies while the pool of sweat on his back grew thicker and slicker. Birds sang above him. Leaves rustled on the path below. The earthy scent of decaying vegetation filled his nostrils. He had to admit that the trees were beautiful. They stretched to vast heights, higher than the scrubby things he’d seen out on the plains east of Dusis or even the massive oaks in the royal Demesne. Some of them were so tall their tops were hidden by the leaves of smaller trees, others so thick that it would have taken two long-limbed men holding hands to reach around them. They smelled good, too; the air was perfumed with a sweet, flowery odor that reminded him of a scent his mother sometimes wore. They made him uncomfortable all the same. He had grown used to being able to see for miles over the plains, used to smelling what was coming on the wind. Quay tried to distract himself by dwelling on his new companions. It turned out that there were ten new Soul weavers. Out of the ten, Quay knew 3, and those were the three that agreed to follow him. The Jin Brother, sons of a merchant who had visited the Palace so many years ago. Cole Jin, the younger brother, was about his height, brown hair, skinny, dark tinted skin. His older brother, Lit Jin, was much taller, black hair lean with dark tinted skin. The third was actually an acquaintance of the Jin brothers, Ryse was her name. She was about as tall as Lit, with fiery red hair, and lighter tinted skin. The rest of the party were well trained warriors, decked out with iron armor, shields, and short swords, they were his personal, royal guard. All in all, there were 10 of them, 6 warriors, 3 commoners, and himself. The party had been on the road for about 3 days, opting to walk in stead of take a carriage, all in an attempt to avoid drawing attention. Humans were intelligent people, they did not attack on sight, but it was best that they were careful, but the humans were not the only beings to fear. [i]Just keep moving[/i], Quay thought. Quay had heard of monsters inhabiting this forest, river beasts, flying beasts, violent animals with insatiable hungers. Quay could have bypassed the whole forest and passed through the Alma Toren Fort, but this route was shorter. 'One cannot regain a lost advantage without accepting risk.' he told himself. [i]The forest was a good risk.[/i] The axiom was written by one of the 6 Counselmen, Eldini to be exact, he was the overseer of the Path of War. The supposition that followed it was Quay's own, and it became a mantra for him. Luckily, for the first 3 days of their journey, they met no opposition. At least until the forth day. Quay grimaced upon seeing the body of a rotting bear, the top half of his body was ripped off, leaving it's guts to be strewn about. He did his best to work his way around the body, until he stood next to one his royal guards, a woman. She had squatted low to investigate the bear, thrusting her face into the air in front of her. Her eyes shown wide and bright under her helmet. "What is it?" Quay asked. "I'm not sure my Prince." The guard reached for her bow. Her nose twitched. "It's too quiet." Quay let his hand drift to Trucidator, which hung on his belt in a shortened form for the sake of convenience. The forest was never quiet, birds chirping in their nests, the trees swaying in the wind, the hum of insects- But at that moment, the stillness remained entirely unbroken. "Be ready." Quay whispered. He slipped his Lance off his belt and it suddenly extended to its full height, it's blade gleaming in the sun. His message passed from person to person behind him. For a moment, it was all quiet. Suddenly, his ears were filled with the sound of flapping wings, and a roar reverberated through the air. Quay slowly look up at the sky, only to meet the gleaming eyes of a dragon. For a moment, the party was frozen in fear, the legends had called dragons legendary beasts of destruction. "Run!" Quay yelled back at the party. He turned and sprinted into the forest, jumping over bushes and dodging trees. His party was behind him, running just as hard and as fast as he was. In the distance they could hear the roar of the Dragon and the beating of leathery wings, it was after them. Quay did not bother looking up, it was obvious what the dragon would do next. He would catch up to them, try and stop their escape. Unfortunately, this was their only chance, running was the best option, fighting it was out of the question. They had yet to get a full grasp of Soul Weaving, it was best they made it to the summit in one piece. Quay could hear the sounds of rushing, like wind in the mountains or water. Luckily, it was water. 10 feet away was a ravine, it was about 30 feet across, it's 2 sides connected by an old simple wooden bridge. Quay looked over the edge, eyeballing it gave him an estimate of about 60 feet, easily survivable, not to mention the the ravine's waters were flowing in the direction they needed to go. "Quay, no!" Cole yelled. His parry had finally caught up. Quay could see the fear in his eyes. Their was desperation in Quay's eyes, and ferocity, and madness. "We have no choice!" "We'll drown!" "You don't know that!" Quay looked back down into the ravine. "We can use this river to carry us closer to the summit, And escape the Dragon. The bridge is not safe." Quay said sternly. He could hear the leathery wings of the dragon grow every closer. Quay stared at Cole in a way that made the others cringe. "We go. [b][i]Now![/i][/b] The world gave one, last, terrible shake, before he plunched into the icy waters of the ravine. [center]------[/center] Quay strolled confidently and calmly into the grand conference room of Orabson. They had been given the opportunity to change clothes after the situation that had taken place a few days before. The humans were gracious and hospitable, providing them with all the necessities and more. With him was his royal guard, no longer claded in iron armor, but in linen. Quay looked immaculate, like a Prince should be, he did not carry an air of arrogance, but of respect and royalty. Quay bowed to Invidia, showing respect for his age and wisdom. "Grace be with you, Master Invidia." Quay looked up at Invidia, such greetings were customary in his land, maybe a handshake would have also been sufficient.