Okay, first things first. I like the name, but sadly we had already chosen team names and the available letters are C R and T. So one of her initials will have to change, or you'll have to give her a middle name. A few questions about her aesthetics - how is her face wolfish? A wolfish face is generally described as a hungry look, or a fierce, savage or menacing look. Your somber and sharp features don't quite fit in with that. Also, what is her symbol? You didn't put one in the symbol location, and there is no image or description for the Bellamy Dance Academy symbol that she wears on her jackets. Onto combat: A paladin is a support-tank, whereas she is described as a striker-tank. A better class would be a knight, as they match that combat role. The weapon is practical in either of its individual forms, but too small to contain all the parts for transforming between then. Either the hammer head would need to be larger, a la something like [url=https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-2hZGUb2ewJ0/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAABQ/9DYKD_OnmqI/photo.jpg] This [/url] or change the weapon entirely, perhaps something that doesn't require so much visual accuity? Also, echolocation doesn't lend itself very well to weapons that require precision. A shotgun that uses either coin shot or buckshot would probably be better as their shots spread when fired, reducing the need for precision, whilst also making enough noise that she would be able to use her echolocation effectively in battle. If you still wanted the beretta as the gun form Phantom sugggests either 9x19mm parabelum or .45acp, which are amongst the most common high caliber handgun bullets, and either the Mx4 or Cx4 Storm carbine. Though speaking of echolocation, guns are probably the worst weapon for her. If her hearing is sensitive enough to use it as though she can see, then every time someone fired a bullet near her her ears would feel like they need to bleed. A near-constant migraine if she's lucky, eventual deafness if she's not. I am assuming that the name of the Semblance is referring to the way it sparkles when the sun reflects off the facets of her crystal. Though a better name for it would be Crystalise or something similar. Also, please, no actual transformations of the body. Until we see that kind of thing in canon, just no. Instead, a coating of super-condensed Aura over her body that still does everything the transformation does is a far better idea. And comparing the crystal to diamond is not the best idea, as diamond can be shattered with a steel hammer if it's hit on the right angle. I would leave it at 'super-condensed Aura that looks as though it has crystalised', and not make any connections to actual gemstones. And finally - her background. Thus far in the show, Atlas appears to have the most faunus-prejudiced culture out of the four kingdoms. So a top dance academy isn't too far fetched, but they would need to employ some human instructors for the top tier of lessons in order to get around the prejudice. With her backstory itself. The chemical burns because of hate make sense, though it landing presicely in her eyes when she's a baby and would be laying in a pram or held by her mother seems a bit contrived. It would make more sense for one side of the face to be burnt, a la Two-Face from Batman rather than Daredevil style, and travelling down the side of her chest. Though acid strong enough to completely destroy her eyes would most likely have killed her as a baby, and seeing as she would be crying from the pain the chances of her swallowing or inhaling the acid, it would do irreversable damage to her oesophagus, which would mean she really wouldn't be up to much at all even if she did survive somehow. The hunter scene is...just very contrived and too lucky, some would say. As an eight year old she decided to go out into a place she's been warned about as being too dangerous to go to for normal people, let alone her, to go to some lessons late at nght that even she would know wouldn't be happened because it's midnight. Somehow she didn't get hurt at all while travelling through the forest until the Hunter saved her. He got severely injured however, and couldn't just make a run for it or call in some backup, and they had to rely on his super-camouflage and her hearing to make it out alive. And then her super-paranoid parents let the hunter stay in touch with their 'fragile' daughter, even though they really should have known that such a strong person would no doubt inspire her to do dangerous stuff like him, which is even worse than the dancer career she wanted in the first place. Not to mention the brooding, which went on for long enough to sneak ot of town and through the forest, and was enough for Grimm to be attracted, at eight years old. An eight year old, unless they have some truly horrific stuff happen to them which she hadn't at the time, would throw a tantrum for a few hours, cry themself to sleep, be morose for a couple of days, and then find something else to do. And eight year old who decided to run away would get to the edge of town, see the scary forest and decide not to go in, and just stick around some stores she knows. It...honestly doesn't mesh with her personality very well, makes her parents out to be the worst parents ever in terms of actually protecting their child, and requires her to forgo all common sense (which even children have) for the sake of meeting a hunter, and she then turns into the Dues Ex Machina for the confrontation. A better backstory would be something similar to Weiss's known backstory - rich family, something happens to her in her childhood (about 9 or 10, which would be the blindness in Bijou's case) and she's told she can't be a dancer anymore, she hits puberty and decides to rebel against her family and runs off to a combat school before enrolling in Beacon. In the end, though, she just needs a bit too much work to be viable right now. We suggest you hold her in reserve while you work on refining her, and use Cinis in the meantime.