[color=lightgreen]Welcome, to Sburb: point of no return v0.01, a homestuck RP where you are the player this time around. You and your friends will be The heroes of your own "session"...[/color] [color=lightblue]STARTING OUT: To begin your session, you must create your character (obiviously). (PROTIP: please keep Microsoft word/paper and pencil ready, so you have your info written and on hand and I don't have to constantly reference all the way from the beginning M'kay?) Your character info should include the following and tell me this for your first post: *Name,gender ( for transgender characters,what your character defines themselves as, but you can put their biological sex if you feel like it.) * description Physical appearance *behaviors/personality/character traits * what race are they? (Human,troll,heck if you want to, I will even let you play a prospitian or dersite.) *Typing quirks for trolls. and that's all, the rest should unfold as roleplay. [/color] [color=red] NOTICE: EVEN THOUGH YOU SHOULD KNOW THIS BY NOW,SINCE YOU ARE IN FACT IN THE TABLETOP RP SECTION,YOUR STATS ARE ROLLED(for reference, the stats are: STRENGTH, DEXTERITY, INTELLECT, PERSONALITY, BEAUTY,AND WISDOM/MEMORY.) BY ME IF YOU GET A CRAPPY ROLL, DO NOT SAY I SKEWED THE ROLL BECAUSE I DID NOT.MY DICE ROLLS ARE 100% HONEST AND YOU CAN IMPROVE YOUR STATS WHEN YOU LEVEL UP. JUST THOUGHT I OUGHT TO WARN THE PEOPLE WHO FOUND THIS THROUGH THE SEARCH FOR HOMESTUCK RP'S OR NEWCOMERS TO THIS SITE... YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED [/color] [color=purple] ADDITIONAL RULES/THINGS TO KEEP IN MIND: *you can NOT force another players character to do things (EX: Bob commits suicide) just because you don't like their characters, however, player characters can fight each other (although, not highly recommended as this is a cooperative rp). *This will not be the final version, as of now, this is more of a test to see how the mechanics of this system works. This is extremely unfinished. So if you want something that works, go to the D&D RP's on this site or something.[/color] [color=yellow]*Oh,one more thing ...[/color] [color=red]ABSOLUTELY NO [/color] [color=hotpink] MARRY SUES[/color] or [color=blue] MARTY STUS [/color](self-insertion characters don't count in this context, only the over-powered love interest of every body, and everyone is friends with him/her kind , OKAY?!?) With that out of the way, GET STARTED AND HAVE FUN!