Guinevere rushed from the tavern, heading in any random direction. Anywhere was better than there. A cold sweat soon broke out on her face as she raced through the town. It wasn't until she was long gone from Varric's bedroom did she finally stop to catch her breath. [i][color=bc8dbf]Bloody hell....What did I just witness?[/color][/i] Guinevere shook her head violently, hoping the image of Ezra and Varric would escape her mind forever. There wasn't time to dwell on such indecent thoughts though. She had a rescue mission to pull off and that started with finding Aldric. Where to find him? Aldric would've heard the news of Alixanna's disappearance by now and there was no doubt in her mind he was already searching for her. While the ranger liked to keep to himself, Aldric was noble, honorable, and was good friends with Alixanna as well. Like Guinevere, he probably wouldn't rest until she was found. It was obvious the only way to find him was to start looking for the clues behind Alixanna's mysterious kidnapping. Thanks to her father, Guinevere knew there was only one place someone searching for Alixanna would go-the starting point of a strange cart that had left at the time of Alixanna's disappearance. Heading toward it, Guinevere couldn't help but notice a feeling of despair in the air. People walked around gloomily with frowns covering their usual upbeat and cheerful faces. It wasn't just the doctor's daughter that had been stolen. [i][color=bc8dbf]I promise you all that I shall find Alixanna and return the happiness to this town.[/color][/i] Guinevere silently vowed to the town. Arriving, she of course found Aldric examining the area for clues. [color=bc8dbf]"Aldric, I've been looking for you! I'm sure you've heard of Alixanna's disappearance as I can see you're already searching for clues. I believe teaming together is the fastest and most efficient way to bring her back safe and sound. I've already packed the necessary supplies,"[/color] She said, gesturing to the bag strapped to her back. [color=bc8dbf]"There's enough food for a week's journey as well as a medic kit for emergencies. I know you prefer to be alone, but together we'd be the ultimate team and Alixanna will be home safe and sound before the next sunrise." [/color]