[color=fff200]Leval Lamrue[/color] [color=f9ad81]"More."[/color] Rowan reached out with frantic speed and gripped his wrist, pulling herself up with more strength than he could believe she held in her small frame. She went over the marks he had made, and bit into his palm searching for more of his blood. Leval winced, but remained motionless, waiting. Rowan continued to drink, and he began to feel a little lightheaded, the room beginning to gently spin around him. She seemed to be recovering her strength rapidly as she drank. Idly, Leval wondered, [color=fff200]'What must it be like to live like that?'[/color] There was a sound of tech charging up and a green barrier pushed out from Leval's skin, gently pushing the hungry Vampire away from her meal. The annoucement had said it would prevent major injury and death, of course it would help against blood loss as well. The stream of crimson running down his hand trickled down to a thin line before eventually stopping all together. He ripped off a section of his shirt wrapping it around his injured hand. [color=fff200]"Not the first time. I've been bit. Feel better?"[/color] He waited for the Rowan to calm down, standing in front of the door.