[@King Kindred], [@Genni] In fact, upon spotting the little dinosaur on the ground, Owen's focus was completely turned towards the little raptor. He did hear Kelly's words at some point, but eventually didn't really respond anymore. His current interest lied completely in the little creature. Soon enough, the scientist named Raymond crouched down before the former Velociraptor trainer as well. And whilst the baby raptor had only been examining Owen's hand before, he soon enough witnessed it actually biting down on the other man's index finger; he himself babbling away about Owen being way better at handling and training a born killer like this than he himself. And, to be brutally honest, Owen did want to believe that as well. It was somewhat understandable, if only starting with the fact, that he let the thing bite him without any consequence. He briefly glanced up at Raymond once more, but kept his hand where it was. He would never admit it loudly, but he did bring the clicker with him, which he had used on Blue and the others of his own Velociraptor pack. Just in case... [color=82ca9d]"You let her bite you,"[/color] he remarked, vaguely pointing at his index finger, [color=82ca9d]"and didn't punish it."[/color] Finally, he raised back up to his feet again, focus still remaining on the scientist. [color=82ca9d]"It's quite simple, the system of becoming an Alpha. Those creatures are led by their primal instincts. They're intelligent, yes, but not as intelligent as to distinguish between what is morally right, and what actually just hurts themselves physically. If it bites you, it did something wrong. The packmate is not supposed to bite an elderly, whether said one is the mother, or the Alpha. Fling a finger at it if it bites you. Show her who's the boss."[/color] He supposed that was the main rule of this whole training stuff. No matter how cute the animal was, no matter how much one loved them, they were still less intelligent as humans regarding moral and stuff like that. One was ought to show respect, yes; but at this early age? There was no one else the Alpha but the person they were imprinted on. [@Jambo1117] However, his train of thought was once again disturbed by the previous Marine talking to him again, and only intensifying Owen's prior assumption; the man was probably really against InGen. Or that was at least what Owen was getting out of his sarcastic answers, especially with his rather exaggerating answer towards the little raptor on the ground. Immediately, the former U.S. soldier stepped forward, positioning himself purposefully between the little animal, and the Marine, expression instantly turning serious; a little sour, even, as he stared ahead at the other. [color=82ca9d]"This one's not dangerous. Not yet, at least. And if he's doing good with the training, it won't just chop your head off, [i]dumbass[/i]. At least not without permission."[/color] And for some reason, right now, Owen would have loved to give his raptors permission to do so. Shooting an Indominus-Rex, that was okay. That thing deserved to be dead, being technically indeed a way too intelligent abomination. But a Velociraptor? A being indeed way too smart, but still somewhat reasonably existent? One had to kill Owen Grady personally to get to kill one of them, really. But, thankfully, it didn't escalate all they way up to that. Instead, the soldier soon turned around, making his way up the docks, and eventually meeting up with a redhead, who had -- admittedly a little too loudly -- been barking commands around the whole time already. A sigh passed Owen's throat, and, rolling his eyes in annoyance, he finally waved a short goodbye towards Raymond -- [@Lmpkio] -- and approached said Chief of Security instead. [color=82ca9d]"Hey, [i]redhead[/i],"[/color] he finally called, stopping about right next to Thomas. [color=82ca9d]"Can you yell a little louder? Guess the T-Rex, that's loose on this island, [i]hasn't [/i]heard the dinner bell just yet."[/color] He was no one good for higher authorities; especially not if they were being as stupid as to shout and stomp around a god-damn dinosaur island.