Well I'm sort of new, I was around back in the day here on the RPG (I'll admit, I looked around to make sure this was the same place). Anyways back in the day of ye Ol' Forum it was hard for me to actually be around, so eventually I decided to focus on my own things and up and vanished. So here I am now, I've actually got the capability, not to mention the insatiable desire, to write and RP. So like the title says, anyone whose story I might have left; you walk into a bar, say the name Refezen and I'm in earshot, drinks are on me. The rest of ya'll can by your own*. Anyways I'm a big fan of Sci-fi and Cyberpunk. I play Shadowrun as much as I can, D&D when the players don't have enough D6's. Though I can generally get into anything that has -punk or Apocalyptic in it so long as it's willing to get into the all the crazy that is the human nature. Used to be a huge Fantasy (D&D and such) kind of guy, but these days it takes a back seat (Unless we're talking Black Company kind of story, then I'm all over that). So there I am, my collar is blue, my stories are grim, and my whiskey is aged [i]at least[/i] ten years. *Not really, you run around shouting "Refezen" and I'm in earshot, I've got the first round at least.