those simple words flashed mike back to their prior engagement. the battlefield faded to the mine, his teammates under fire, injured and dead. "not again." mike whispered as Blade began issuing orders, he heard his name, and "suppressing fire." but mike was focused on Stumpy's arm protruding from the rubble, still gripping the lamppost that had been so oddly effective. "NEVER AGAIN!" he yelled to himself as the incoming rounds stopped. Prowler turned the corner, and fired into the smoke, the suits sensors highlighting the most likely targeting solution. Sprinting toward the countermeasures, prowler's rifle ran dry, the action clacking empty. Grunting, mike swapped mags, and slung the gun onto prowler's back. the empty magazine rattling on the street as he traded for Prowlers sword. "Lets see just how advanced you are!" Mike yelled as he flared jets, leaping over the return fire of the gears and into the obscuring smoke and chaff, adding more of his own to make things worse, even his scanners replacing hard locks with questionable ghosts. "you got rocked by a lamppost!" he continued in his defiance while he swung the chain blade, the internal motor spinning the chain up to speed. "Lets see how you fair against a real melee weapon!" he roared as edge connected with a clang, as the teeth bit, screeching maddeningly as it sheered through metal and polymer. "TAG you bastard!" he yelled though external speakers before jumping again, drawing his sword back. listening as rounds began to impact towards his wounded prey. He landed not far away, staying in the obscuring agents, utilizing Prowlers speed in the chaos to his advantage. "I believe I have their attention!" he yelled, voice tinged with malice as he wove through the smoke, swinging at ghosts within his reach. As he dove towards the edge of the ring, he saw the insect like silhouette of an imperial gear trying to break free of the obscuring smoke. "GET BACK HERE!" he yelled at the suit, firing his shoulder guns at it, the 7.62 rounds sparking on the plate armors surface as he charged at the suit. He grinned as the gear turned towards him, one arm bleeding fluids from a mangled rent in its elbow joint, the other raising an auto cannon at Prowler. "TO CLOSE FOR THAT!" mike yelled as he angled the verners up, and pulsed the jets, speeding prowler into the target, angled point leveled at the imperials chest. The imperials shot went wide, but Prowlers sword connected, and several speeding tons of metal drove it deep, teeth digging it deeper as the motor whined beneath the shrieking metal. The Gears hit the ground, prowler riding atop the skewered gear as the slid together several meters before an impact threw prowler forward and off the motionless suit. mike yelped as he urged Prowler to scrabble awkwardly around a corner for cover. briefly looking over the report, it looked like his back armor absorbed most of the damage, prowlers "spine" taking the rest. overall his back armor stood at 50% and structural integrity at 80% he said as he swapped his sword for his rifle again, ducking back a few streets.