[quote=@Heavy] Just finished reading the interest check, OOC, and character sheets. Is there a desire for one more? I am familiar with the Shadowrun world (player and GM) and would like to introduce a character of mine I have played in many different setting. Combat medic type, former military, from a program that tried to effectively balance the capabilities of a healer geared mage with an augmented medic and failed, pesky essence and all. Needless to say the essence complications left many a program "volunteer" damaged. Basically the character combines all the attributes and defects you would get from mixing an augmented military grade Corpsman and a mage focused on healing. Let me know if there is a spot for consideration for a primary healer that can at least hold ground in a gunfight, plus it always help to have a knowledgeable person around when a team of runners has more than a few pieces of cyber and bioware that may need attention. [/quote] Just as a heads up, we do already have a combat medic. Having another one probably isn't a bad idea and I'm not opposed to it, I just wanted to make sure you were aware of the fact. They also have extensive experience with cyber and bioware augs, so we've got that covered too.