[centre][i][color=9e0b0f]Battle Brother Zerabil, Prophet of Vowzra, Blessed of Undasis Level 23 Hero, 2 Khookies[/color][/i][/centre] [hider=Summary] [list] [*] Invidia of the Sanguine Communion, Quay of the Uri, Zerabil of Orabson, Chief Kooku of the Stonespears, Chief Tartok of the Bear Tribe, Chief Zarkil of the Jaghnir Tribe and Chief Ilagi of the Shanshir Tribe are all present at the Summit. [*] Zerabil begins the meeting, stating that the CimeXeno threat must be crushed, but the question is how it is to be done [*] Chief Kooku suggests putting many big boulders between the Realms of Man and the Cimex Territories [*] Chief Tartok dismisses that and suggests and quick and ruthless offensive against the Cimex before they are fully prepared [*] Chief Ilagi points out that the Cimex are very territorial and surprising them in their own territories would be a mighty feat, impossible for normal people [*] The floor is open for further discussion [/list] Feel free to take control of any of the chiefs if your character is present at the summit. [/hider] Standing at the head of the great oval table, carved of wood with great care and decorated with all manner of symbols and patterns and intricate designs, Zerabil surveyed those before him. There was the Liaison, the one known as Invidia, who led the Sanguine Communion. It was he who had sent the emissary warning of the looming CimeXeno threat. Masked and robed as he was, and with a sickly sweet smell, he did not appear the most welcoming of figures. Zerabil only hoped he did not act as closed and distant as he appeared. The fact he had sent the emissary suggested he did not, but where had he been all those many years while they fought endlessly against the Dyun? Zerabil could only guess. He held no resentment or hostility towards the man however - at least, he looked like a man, he may well have been a woman with that smell and physique though. Not too far from Invidia sat the Uri prince, Quay. He appeared a most amiable and respectful being, though still young and inexperienced. From both he and Invidia, he felt the most clear presence of divine energies. He could not pinpoint which divinities, but it was not the Chaotic One - he had a very distinct and immediately recognisable presence. Zerabil knew it well, for he had sensed it amongst the northern people, and he had sensed it also in the village of the dragon-slayers. But there was no chaotic presence here, neither the northern kingdom nor the dragon-slayers had responded to the call. The Confederates were all here however, their four chiefs sitting proudly round the table. There was Chief Kooku of the Stonespear Tribe, dressed in full fur regalia. He had refused to be parted from his stone-tipped spear and daggers, and so his spear leaned on his chair and his stone daggers lay before him. It would not do to have their allies fighting the advanced Cimex with nothing but stone weaponry, and from what Zerabil knew, they Confederate tribes had not exactly turned Wi into an art-form, they used it as it suited their lives and saw no reason to improve it further. Luckily there were those more forward looking within the Stonespear Tribe, those had managed to trade with their allies and gain some shoddy swords and rag-tag pieces of armour. There was also Chief Tartok of the Bear Tribe, famed for their bear fur coats and their terrific ululations when they had marched against the Dyun. Strangely enough, they were a tribe of massive people and the bear coats fit their character, and their reddish hair and beards, almost perfectly. They were less rudimentary than their Stonespear allies and had managed to tip their spears with metal, making use of trading with Orabson, whose stockpile of metal was usually high thanks to the monopoly enjoyed over the resources of the Southern Mountains. Chief Zarkil of the Jaghnir Tribe and Chief Ilagi of the Shanshir Tribe were also present, bringing the total number of leaders present at the summit to seven. Quay's guards, after ensuring that there were no traps in place in the conference room, had made their way out, leaving the leaders to discuss the manner in which they would face the threat. [color=9e0b0f][i]'It is a great honour to host you all here in Orabson. I am glad you have all responded, and I am certain that with the help and will of the gods, we will rise victorious and unconquered over our foes.'[/i][/color] Zerabil smiled thinly, allowing his strange eyes to survey the others. He stood there, his hair braided and tied back and his face sparkling from the cleaning it had received earlier that morning. His face remained stoic even as his thoughts strayed every so slightly towards the two beautiful ladies who had so graciously helped him that morning. Were he not so in control, he knew he would have done much more than just allow them to wash him - they had not allowed any space for doubt about their willingness. Breathing deeply, he righted his [url=http://jaskarandiv4.weebly.com/uploads/1/3/7/5/13754071/481253_orig.jpeg]red tunic[/url] and continued. [color=9e0b0f][i]'We face a threat today as dangerous to our existence as were the fist great purges by the Xenos against Man. It would appear that, unsatisfied by the death and carnage they have wreaked against us all in the past, the CimeXenos rise once more to finish the job they and their DyunXeno brethren began decades ago. We cannot allow them to do as such. They must be prevented, pushed back, and utterly crushed. This we must do for the safety and future of all races in the land.'[/i][/color] he paused and allowed his words to sink in. [color=9e0b0f][i]'I am certain no one of us had any doubts about what must be done before stepping into this room here today. So, without further delay, let us open the discussion, not for [u]what[/u] must be done, for I believe we all know, but for [u]how[/u] it must be done.'[/i][/color] with that, Zerabil sat himself down and looked towards the others. It was Chief Kooku who spoke first. [b]'I think...we need to bring a great many rocks. Big rocks. We must put them between us and them and with that, they can never reach us and we will be safe from them!'[/b] a brief, awkward moment of silence met his words before Chief Tartok interceded. [color=f7941d]'While that is a very...uh...good idea, I think it best be used as a final resort. And even then...'[/color] he looked at the others in an almost apologetic manner, [color=f7941d]'it is my belief that an offensive stance is best. We should gather our forces and strike quick and hard before they are completely ready. If we can take them out before they have gathered all their forces and marched into our lands, then that will be a victory for the ages!'[/color] Chief Tartok, a big and muscular man, chose to bang his fist on the table for effect. He certainly got his point across, and very nearly broke the table too. It was a sturdy thing however and withstood the almighty blow. [color=0076a3]'Are these Cimexes not a very territorial race though? They would immediately know we have infringed upon their lands, would they not?'[/color] it was Chief Ilagi who had spoken, and his words carried force. As the most powerful tribe in the Confederate, the Shanshir enjoyed great respect and was more or less the leading force. Ilagi also appeared to be a very intelligent man, and the fact that he had chosen to ask rather than point out these simple facts revealed him to be a masterful diplomat. Not wishing to speak, Zerabil looked to the others for input.