Nathan stood there, looking at the naked girl, nodding. "be worth it" when she said she'd burn a hole in his face, he grinned as he looked up at her face now. "dont take it toooo personal, i ruin my clothes all the time too, friction is a bitch" he pointed out, before rolling his neck, he was feeling drained. "you wouldnt have to have some food stashed somewhere would ya?" following her out from behind the pillar or whatever, looking around, and his carefree, joking attitude was lost as he saw the scene around them. "damn, what the hell did they do this for" he asked, when really there was no good enough answer to justify the death of so many. "yea, this isnt over with.. the doors to this place are locked up, i know i tried them, and really, anyone got something to eat" his speed came out a cost, i big one. he had a hyper burning metabolism. off the charts when he was tested as a kid, he kept passing out, right around the time his x-gene kicked on.. he'd faint, cause effectively if he didnt eat damn near constantly, he'd crash as he called it, he'd get sluggish, his speed would start to shut down, and eventually he'd faint. "talk, im listening" as he sped through the carnage, a blur as he found, purses, backpacks, pockets, anything really as he zoomed all over the room. stopping now beside and back from walt, sucking on a sucker, having a dozen more in his hand, along with a pack of peanut butter crackers, and a lot of gum. "hey, that catch phrase was cool as hell, the vault, cause its hard to crack you open, i need something like that too" crunching the sucker, he tossed the stick and went, grabbing another and putting it into his mouth after the wrapper was off, he did the same thing, biting the sucker part right off, then tossing the stick, but he couldnt wait around, he needed the energy, he was feeling the Drag, which would come, his speed suffering and then the Crash. "so, what now.. anyone around here no how to make a hole, i tried firefly, but she just rudely threatened me" grinning at her, winking as he munched on the mouthful of sucker pieces. "still would be worth it" she'd know what he meant