How's this? [hider=Odette Langley for review.] [b]Basic information:[/b] Name: Odette Langley Age: 31 Profession: Waitress/Cook Useful skills: [list] [*]Hardy - She's no stranger to an honest day's work. Odette is able to slog with the best of them, even if she isn't as experienced in some areas. [*]Cooking - Whilst waiting tables is her main profession, Odette is not unused to being called into the back for a shift of manning the fryer. She can whip up and egg-salad sandwich or a salsbury steak with the best of them. [*]Willpower - Years of working at the diner have given Odette the necessary gusto and strength of will to stand up to pretty much any rowdy customer or disgruntled manager. She's hardier than most in terms of emotion and mentality. [*]Knife-work - Odette prides herself on being able to wow her patrons with her fancy knife-work in the kitchen. Cutting, throwing, dicing, self-defence. She can do it all, but that isn't that much use if the assailant isn't exactly earthly. [/list] Unskilled in: [list] [*]Firearm Use - Odette has fired a gun once, maybe twice. She is not familiar with the use of such a weapon. She could learn if the situation demanded it, but otherwise she has no clue. [*]Navigation - Odette isn't the best with directions, or the remembering of directions. She is very prone to getting lost and arguing over misremembered geographical features. Was it left at the hollow stump, or right? [*]Observation - Working a 9-5 slog has left Odette a bit destitute in the area of observation and finer details. She is not a woman to sweat the small stuff, and as such can suffer when it comes to those skills being needed. [*]Subtlety - Whilst she can keep a secret, when questioned or quizzed Odette finds it hard not to give away that she is lying. She is an honest woman, but this can sometimes throw her into the fire. [/list] [b]Appearance:[/b] Height: 5'9". Weight: 140lbs. Eye color: Odette's eyes are green, with small flecks of gold. Hair color: Her hair is black and dull, like a shadow. Skin color: Peppered with freckles, fair but slightly tanned. Description: Odette is a caucasian woman of English and American descent. She has gotten a bit chubby in recent years, but it is plain to see that she has some muscle to her pear shaped figure. She could fit the profile of an active mother, if she had any kids. Her hair is curly, usually up in a ponytail. She has a slightly upturned nose, a round face and eyes that seem a little bit too big. Her lips are rather soft, and her teeth are straight and white. The best way to describe her would be 'warm'. [b]Personality:[/b] Interactions with others: She regards strangers with friendliness, giving them the benefit of the doubt. This can be a front for thinly-veiled suspicion, but it is easily turned over upon learning what a person is made of. Likes: Honesty, kindness, conversation, music, children, flowers, the sea. Dislikes: Liars, criminals, the upper class, the elderly, extremism. Fears: Death, Aging, Loneliness, Irrelevance, Drowning. Aspirations/goals: To make a name for herself, to start a family, to live happily and to live safely. She is not a very complicated woman, nor is she a very ambitious one. Odette's only want is to make an impression that her children can follow into a better life. She doesn't want her family to be known for waiting tables and nothing else. Mental state: Odette is stable enough for a middle-aged woman with no children. Average. [b]Equipment list:[/b][list] [*]Pocketbook. [*]Pencil. [*]Flashlight. [*]Switchblade. [*]Cigarettes. [*]Lighter.[/list] [/hider]