[quote=@Genni] [@TheHunter] [color=cc6600]"Hi there, I don't think we've met yet. I'm Kelly Ma... Kelly. Part of the tech support team for this little party,"[/color] As she spoke Kelly let her eyes quickly wander down the woman's body, checking out the heavy pack and the field gear strapped to her. [color=cc6600]"I take you your part of the science team?"[/color] She asked, waving her hand vaguely at the equipment, some of which she recognised from her own aborted attempt to study the 'low sciences'. [color=cc6600]"Are you okay with all that? it looks heavy,"[/color] She continued, stepping a little closer and gently stroking her hand up Julia's arm. The pack really did look heavy to Kelly, but then again she was far more used to dealing with laptops and tablets, the kind of heavy equipment you could slip inside a small bag and swing from your shoulder without needing to strap yourself in to a weight distribution harness of any kind. [/quote] So Kelly was the fine looking girls name. She also seemed to be part of the tech team. Julia felt Kelly's eyes wander her body and rolled her eyes. She was used to be looking at like a piece of meat, but for hell's sake, they were on dinosaur island. Romance wasn't really on her mind. Survival and helping the animals was her main focus. "[color=00aeef]Yeah. I'm the Dinosaur Health Technician."[/color] Julia said, her voice in a controlled, and monitored politeness. She was going to be spending a while with these people, she had better make friends. Julia watched as Kelly stepped forward and offered to help her. Julia had to refrain from smacking Kelly's arm away. [color=00aeef]"Thank You, but I'm good. "[/color] Julia readjusted the bag on her back, and doing this managed to shift a bit away from Kelly.She fixed her bag and wore it with confidence. [color=00aeef]"What's the plan?"[/color] she asked not to anyone in particularly. Her eyes gazed around the small group as most of the stuff had been unloaded. The others who had been their transportation looked like they would rather be dead than on the island. If they stayed on this for too long they might.