[quote=@Vec] --- (oops) [/quote] Damn it Vec! (╯°Д°)╯︵ /(.□ . \) [center] [@grandsword]'s Character Dropped the RP~ [hider=Jacques Veilleur] Real Name: Jacques Veilleur Superhero Alias: (if you're a first year or someone who has just transferred to the school, it's likely you won't have one of these yet) Gender:male Age: Appears 60, but due to the nature of the curse keeping him alive, is actually much older Appearance: http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/347/e/0/alpha__omega__by_grandsword-d6xt7qr.png Power Set: Jacques is a master of many magics, in particular, adept in the fields of gravity and lightning. However, his most renowned fields of skill lie in runes and gem based magic. Utilizing runes, he can apply a multitude of effects, ranging from elemental mines, to magical locks, and even if given enough time to carve it, control over an area's very gravity. However his main runes are as follows Sowilo [img] http://www.sunnyway.com/runes/sowilo.gif [/img]: the rune of fire. A smaller rune, intended as a magical bonfire, but utilized by jacques as proximity alert mines by the telltale “whoosh” of their activation. (think like the fire rune from skyrim) Thurisaz[img] http://www.sunnyway.com/runes/thurisaz.gif [/img]: the rune of force. A large rune, utilized as an enhancer to other magics. As suggested by it’s moniker, it increases the power and force of magic used in it’s area. Jacques uses this when he knows he will be in combat to insure he holds advantage, though due to it’s size, it’s only practical use is as a preemptive measure. Nauthiz[img] http://www.sunnyway.com/runes/nauthiz.gif [/img]: the rune of binding. A mid-sized rune, and the antithesis of Thurisaz. Where as it enhances magic, Nauthiz weakens it. jacques uses it for two main purposes. One, in his training rooms to keep students magic at manageable levels in case of mishaps. And two, to hide his own magical energy via engraved stones kept on his person. Kenaz[img] http://www.sunnyway.com/runes/kenaz.gif [/img]: the rune of Sight. This rune is unique, as amongst his others, it not used for offense or “traps” but rather an enhancement of a direct attribute of whatever is in it’s range. Namely ,capability of sight, to the point where the non physical, the ethereal can be gazed upon. Normally, it is a mid-sized rune, carved into occulary objects to enhance their ability, But in Jacques’s case, due to the inability to use the gem lodged in his empty eye socket as he would other gems, he painstakingly carved a miniature variation of kenaz into it, turning the powerless gem into an eye of ethereal sight. However, he must carve these runes, and thus it is a laborious, if not effective art. They also cannot be directly applied against a foe, and thus rely upon enemies wandering into their range of effect. The gems on the other hand, work on a more personal level. By charging them with his will and magic, the gems can effect the body in various manners. Healing, a short range explosion, increased speed, or strength. Such physical effects are but a glimpse of gemcraft. Unlike runes, the gems can be charged near instantly, and can be moved once active. The drawback is that a gem can only be charged towards one purpose and once fully drained, crumble to pieces, whereas runes will stay effective so long as they are unmarred. They also can only effect one person at once, whereas runes can effect a large area. His main gems are Rubies: charged to cause cherry bomb style explosions for disorientation/distraction Azurite: charged for freezing effects, mainly in tandem with the thurisaz rune to freeze foes solid. Onyx: charged to provide hardening effects on clothing, effectively able to turn cloth to armor. Diamond: charged to heal wounds, effects vary on the size of the stone Quartz crystal: charged to absorb and reflect offensive magic like a shield Other Skills: due to his long life, and his studies, Jacques is well versed in knowledge of most magics, even if he he prefers to specialize in his chosen fields. Having dealt with his body’s suffering , he also indifferent to almost all but the direst pain. Weaknesses: despite his unaging body, his body’s age at the time of the curse was already old, so it is subject to the failings of human wear and tear. In addition, he is not immortal. Merely unable to perish from age. Powerful enough enemies or even a gunshot if he were unprepared would kill him the same as any other human. Subject: unconventional magics and their uses Personality: His personality is very contradicting. While he is thoroughly pragmatic and nihilistic, he is at the same time devoted and protective. He doesn't lie, but he does keep secrets and withhold the truth. He means well and is known for fondness of others, but often ends up being sarcastic, especially so when he gives advice. due to the lessons learned in his life, and the mercy given to him at the hands of others, Jacques will not stand those that needlessly harm others, doggedly condemning such action, and refusing to ally with such people. And yet, his positive traits are overshadowed by his obsession with the losses he had suffered in his life, an obsession which combined with the curse upon him, plunges him frequently into a deep depression. Backstory: Born an orphan in the year 2100 to uncertain, but apparently magically inclined parents, the man who would become known as omega grew up a thief on the streets of France, stealing to survive. For ten years, he did so, until he made the mistake of stealing a jewel from a member of the veilleur mage family. in this time, magic was rarer than it had ever been. strictly confined to such families. He was caught, but despite calls to have him imprisoned, the family's patriarch; a user of magic that measures the potential mana within one's magic pathways, saw immense potential in the boy. And thus, took him in. Under the banner of the veilleur family, Jacques grew into an outstanding young mage, specializing in counter magic, and ironically Jewel Magic. Eventually, his skill led to him not only taking a commanding role In the local mage’s guild, but being granted the status of becoming the family's next head. It was upon his fifty fifth year however that his life would change forever. The mage he had chosen to succeed him in the guild had turned rouge, investigating dangerous and unethical methods of transferring magical energy, having taken the energy of countless others to bolster his own power. Thus warranting a warrant of demise upon him. Further more, when confronted by Jacques's adopted father on these charges, the rouge mage killed him without a second thought, and burned out Jacques left eye when he tried to intervene. Feeling guilty for not seeing his apprentice's madness beforehand, and seeking vengeance;Jacques personally pursued the man for five long years, until finally catching him upon the fields bearing his family name. fatally wounding him with use of his trademark jewel magic, combined with. But as he prepared to end it, using the very jewel he had attempted to steal all those years before from the man he had come to call his father, kept as a prized reminder of his life's journey; the rouge mage revealed he had been gathering mana for a final act of defiance, to disperse his stolen energy as a virus, and cause chaos by giving magic to the masses. But before that, in a last gasp of murderous intent the rouge gouged Jacques's beloved jewel into the husk of the eye he had destroyed years before. And using half the stolen mana, cursed Jacques with an unaging, yet constantly suffering body. Then committed the fateful act that began a new age of history in his timeline. Jacques however slowly faded from memory. Shamed by his failures, and loathing his continued existence. he thus sought to end it. Though he despised the curse upon him, he realized the opportunity it gave. pouring his time into research, Jacques created a one way portal through time. he went back, intending to pass his knowledge to those before his time’s fateful events, in attempt to stop them before they would come to pass. And in the process, hopefully erasing his curse from being inflicted so he could perish in peace. Other: theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NWAjEQBOMZc voice actor: Anthony Warlow The gem in his eye: [img] http://www.restys.net/images/Swarovski-Pendants/Swarovski%20Pink%20Crystal%20Eye-shape%20Pendant.jpg [/img] [/hider] [/center]