Name: Gilles Laurent Age: 23 Appearance: A dark skinned, tall, pigeon-chested man with a gawky build, Gilles seems to fit the description of your stereotypical nerd quite easily, especially when paired with his braces and ridiculously thick glasses. His head is square-ish, and the hair on said head is twisted back into simple dreadlocks which hang down to his shoulders in no specific pattern or style, while his facial hair is mostly untidy stubble. Decked out in a simple (and slightly worn out) blue hoodie, gray sweatpants, and brown running shoes which were, once upon a time, white, one might think that he may be the atheletic sort despite his nerdy appearance and build - not that you can tell much under the clothes- but rest assured, this is not the case. Other: -He's got quite the knack with technology -100% Certified Manchild -College drop-out -Works as a a freelance computer and system repair man and as a vlogger -Originates from Belgium; speaks French and limited Flemmish -Terrified of most every kind of creepy crawly -Naturally curious and not afraid to stick his nose where it doesn't belong -Wanted to take up acting before -Fascinated by the gems and expresses it in a way akin to a six year gushing over their favourite super hero