[center]~|Day 3, 14:30 GST|~ ~|Lyric, on board the Memory of the Coruscant|~[/center] Introductions had been short and sweet over a day ago, the two masters currently awaiting for the new flood of arrivals into their ranks before officially getting to work. That meant hours on end of sparring, mediations and examining the skills sets of each other for the mission’s success. Afterwards, master Novan had read a report over the Twi’Lek’s exploits only to frown at the over cautious nature she displayed and found it to be a future conflict he was sure would surface should something go wrong. He aimed to deal with that when the time came however. Pointless when it might’ve not happen as he currently mediated with her in the chambers, his figure about to rise when he sensed another presence arrive. His eyes never opened from his crossed legged position upon the hard floor. Nor did he speak because Master Kinsakwi spoke the same question he wished to know. His nostril inhaled the budding smoke from his ciggarra stemming from his mouth, his teeth gently chewed in his normal habit. His breath slow and calm, letting the soothing sensation wash over before exiting from his trance. Her greeting was friend but Novan’s expression remained neutral as if he knew was what about to come. In truth, he rarely expected good new though his reaction was never negative. He usually grinned when he was right afterall and ease the tension in any messager, their duty grim as it was from the start. On hearing the terrible news, his words cut the air with a firm but gentle tone. “It’s possible as younglings would’ve been shipped off to Korriban immediately due to their accepting nature. Knight, how many causalities? Bodies recovered and has a Jedi with the ability in psychometry to examine the ruins and discover some of what happened there?” He already knew the answer but felt the need to ask, despite the oddness of it. A bad feeling had washed over him after the temple was destroyed and it didn’t make his mediation a fitful one, after all he hide it well, so it was little surprise he was learning where it came from. His body stirred and rose upright, his mediation ceased when his eyes opened to absorb the Jedi Knight’s image. Eyes still cutting through him, Lyric paused long enough to return Kinsa’’s look and flipped back to the Knight for his answer.