[center][b]Feuertanz, Schwarzenburg Gate[/b][/center] Had he only known the inner workings of Lusser's mind, Feuertanz would have been distressed to know the way the dragon thought of their power. For him, it wasn't about bending the world to one's will. It was a [b][i]gift[/i][/b]! As it stood, however, Feuertanz knew no such thing; he clapped his paws together with delight on seeing the crackle of energy that crawled over the knight's fingers. The smell of ozone is a sharp one, distinct, and he's always been drawn to it. But seeing easily how flustered Alina was, he kept his focus on her with a smile. "Eloquently put, Lusser. Our friend is right; though we may go peacefully, there is never any promise of safety. I go in hope that we will face no great tribulation; I am nevertheless glad to know that we are not without defense."