Down the hallway Ruth was hearing the screams and weapons fire and it was very close. Looking over to the man that she had been talking to before was now standing up walking towards the corridor he poked his head around the corner clearly concerned about what was happening. Whatever he saw clearly appalled him as he looked as white as a sheet. "What's wrong... what did you see" Ruth asked her voice a bit shaky from nerves. The man merely looked at her simply replying "a monster". Ruth couldn't believe what he said so she poked her head down the corridor herself and saw something truly horrifying. Bits of people scattered all over the corridor and in the middle of it all was some monstrously hideous creature but it clearly wasn't always like that as the jumpsuit told her it used to be a vault dweller. However that wasn't the worst thing of all as the creature turned in Ruth's direction clearly knowing she was there. It let out a horrible noise while it moved towards her so Ruth quickly grabbed her belonging running for the only place she could go. Ruth opened the door that led into the mole rat paddocks quickly unlocking them hoping that they would slow that monster down. As if it couldn't get any worse over the intercom heard Hamil saying that the overseers were dead and that he was taking over except it didn't seem his rule was very long after the intercom went dead. Ruth and her fellow pest controller had been trying to open one of the maintenance shafts so they could escape to the upper levels however it had been Mole Rat proofed making it very hard to force open. When they finally managed to pry the hatch open with a pipe the door gave way letting in two of the monsters. Ruth quickly slid into the shaft climbing as fast as she could not realising her fellow vault dweller got stuck only halfway in. Only noticing when he shouted for Ruth to come back just before he was yanked out of the shaft and all Ruth could hear was a blood curdling scream then silence. Ruth just kept going only leaving the shaft when she reached the top kicking open a hatch leading into the farming area. Ruth was beginning to tear up unable to keep her composure. But she had to get a hold of herself so she gave herself a good hard slap. Now able to think straight again she knew she had to leave the vault as it had become a death trap. However before leaving she stuffed her pockets with as much food as her pockets could hold as their was no telling how long it would take to find food in the wastelands. Plus it was something to trade who knows maybe even used to start a farm. As soon as her pockets could hold no more she bolted down the corridor for the elevator shaft. Ruth managed to to get to the elevator without much trouble as it seemed those monsters were busy trying to break into people's homes and she was able to find her way past without being noticed. Ruth didn't want to think about how many people were dead or how many were safe. All she had to think about at this moment was her own survival and she had to except whoever couldn't get out on their own were dead. Forcing the doors open Ruth carefully grabbed the emergency ladder as a fall from this height would be deadly. By the time she reached the top she was a bit tired after all the climbing and running she had been doing but Ruth couldn't stop now she just about managed to force the elevator door open. However she noticed that their was an elevator at the top so someone or something must be up here with her so she didn't want to spook whoever was up here with her or killed by one of those monsters. Peaking her head around the corner she was happy to see her fellow students. However they had guns aimed in her direction probably just in case one of those things found its way up. That was a good point could they climb Ruth thought to herself. Quickly snapping out of her trail of thought it occurred to her that she should let them know she was there just incase someone accidentally blows her head off. "Boy am I glad to see guys, say you don't happen to have anymore guns or maybe some spares I could carry" Ruth said as she exited the shaft and entered the room properly. Wanting to be armed if another one of those things came for with more than just stun stick. Waiting for a response she found it surprising that none of the adults made it up. Then again they were probably trying to defend their homes, maybe her family where at home waiting for her. She began to tear up thinking about how she left very one else to die, of course she new their was nothing she could have done. Heck they were probably dead already but that didn't make it any easier.