Thasseldar sighed. He could have really used another realmswalker; someone who knew how to operate portals as he did. It seemed as though others always had either a critical weakness or simply didn't understand operation. Still, it was either that, or expend his energies dumping them over the ocean with abstact information at a distance too great to send that many beings through successfully with him still standing, so he slapped his staff on the ground after he had backed up a good enough distance and created another portal shell. With some concentration, he linked them so that one would feed the monsters coming out the front into the rear portal, which would cause them to run into themselves. Unfortunately, the massive quantity of bodies involved would quickly spend his energies in the course of three minutes. [i]Oh well...[/i] Completing the spell, he didn't stay to watch as the first of the horde coming after him suddenly found themselves trampled by the ones coming from behind him, a process that continued even as Thasseldar grew weaker and weaker. He poured most of the load onto his staff; it shattered in his hands, knocking him back and allowing some of the monsters to pass through the new loopholes in the portal. The boss, meanwhile, was approaching...