[@FiroIV] No worries. It is all conceptual for the most part. I won't be using any strict mechanics from the game, we wont be using build points to generate characters or anything like that. The big things like the magic system, tech system, etc. etc. I will explain in the thread OOC with enough detail that you won't have to brush up on Shadowrun, it will all be in the upcoming thread (which will take me some time to post). I'll also link to some Shadowrun stuff and fluff like I did in the OP so it can give you guys a primer for ideas to work with but not a strict "it must be this way" rigidity. In short, though this is a Shadowrun spin off, no previous knowledge of Shadowrun is needed to enjoy. And for tonight, I am done. Thanks again to everyone for showing interest, thread due Thursday or Friday... I'll link it here and in OP when it is done.