Wolf listened through the door for the other team members' introductions, keeping one eye on the crack so he could match a voice with a name. Feeling far more comfortable in a hoodie and jeans, he plopped himself down in a chair, letting all the day's tention out as he leaned back into the plush. He scanned the room as the rest of the team sat down one by one, with the exception of Sasha, who was the first to sit. "So, Richard, Roman, and Thessalia." He looked at each if them as he committed their faces to memory - a slow process for him, but necessary for obvious reasons. Something Richard had said caught his attention. "FIEND and DEMON, huh?". The fact that Richard had taken care to mention both Ghoul models told him the leader was trying to place the fear of God in him. Not that Wolf really cared. A competitive spark lit up in his eye. "My Helios is made by some of the same people, ya know. We'll have to race sometime. AFTER the mission tomorrow." The last part was said for the benefit of the rest of the team - more likely than not, the two high-speed A.W.E.'s would end up racing each other anyway. But they didn't need to know that. Realizing Richard had asked about his experience, he answered that next. "I've been piloting for a long while now - can't remember what age I started. I started with the fastest frame I could find and went up from there. My own Helios was built for me by my Uncle's company, with a little help from Ghoul." A thought occured to him. "Speaking of which, I should probably show you guys something, seeing as how you'll be my team and all. Here-" He unslumped himself and twisted around in the seat, lowering his hood as he did so. He tapped on the rubber cap over the wire leading to his PDA, making sure the entire team had a good view of the electronic port before he returned to his orginal position. "That's an electronic input connected to a chip in my brain. First of it's kind." Pride was evident in his voice. "It allows me to hook directly into my frame, completely bypassing the HUD and giving me the information directly. When I say I'm the fastest, this is why." With that, he braced himself for the inevitably varied reactions.