Noah collapsed against a steel girder as he stopped to rest on his way to the atrium. The sequence of events which he had witnessed were beyond his comprehension. What had started as a small war between the security and what Noah tell were the refugees became something much worse; a nightmare of sorts. Noah shook the visceral imagery from his mind as he rounded the corner towards the elevator shaft. Sirens blared and the blood curling screams for tortured vault civilians could be heard from the bloodbath transpiring not far from where he was, and fear began to take over Noah. "Oh shit, oh shit, I'm next!" Noah panted as his speed picked up. He noticed someone else frantically trying to get the elevator to the next level. Noah could tell that whoever it was had yet to notice him sprinting towards what felt to him as an oasis. "Hold up!" Noah yelled towards the figure, and felt his hopes slowly dwindle when the elevator door closed fully. He skidded to a stop, panting. "Damn it..." He whispered, about to stand, when the sound of snarling got closer. His eyes widened, and the boy flattened himself against the shadowy, blood-covered floor, just in time for a beast to run over his hiding spot, snarling and spitting as it lunged towards the currently-moving elevator. It slammed through the doors, grabbing onto the bottom of the elevator as it began making it's way up. Whoever was in there...was probably dead. Jesus...He stayed in this position for a few more minutes, eyes narrowed and looking out for anymore of those...of those things, when the sound of approaching footsteps sprung him into action. They certainly didn't sound like thethey belonged to humans, and he wasn't going to stand around and see who or what was there.He moved to stand, only to freeze as high-pitched snarling and grunting came from the elevator's torn entrance. One of those beasts fell past the door, and Noah slowly straightened his back, cautiously approaching the elevator shaft. Curiosity was taking ahold of him, despite the danger he could possibly be in. "The Hell...?" He whispered, looking down deeper into the shaft. The monster was still falling...and then, a massive splat. Bile rose in his throat, but he adjusted himself, glancing back into the dim Atrium, before glancing up the elevator shaft - where the torn elevator was still waiting for someone to call it down. "I wonder if that person's still up there." He muttered, pressing the 'Down' button. The elevator didn't respond. "...Damn it." _ Noah's arms were beginning to get sore, but he continued to climb the emergency elevator shaft's ladder, getting closer and closer to the broken-down elevator. As he got closer, the jagged hole began to get clearer, and the man was slightly astonished at the size of the opening. It was very wide- more than enough room for him to get through. Stopping just below the elevator, Noah breathed in, hands gripping the ladder rungs tighter and tighter, before he decided to just try it. "Screw it." He leaped off of the ladder, stomach dropping for the briefest of seconds...and then he felt his hand grip the jagged edges of the hole. Slowly, he pulled himself up, muscles tensing at the physical exertion. Finally, he fit his body through the hole, and the man released pent-up air as he fell against the elevator's floor...only, there were blood, and bodies, and guts...everywhere. "What the fu-" Puke ripped from his throat before he can stop his gag reflex, and he vomited into the hole the beast had made, retching once or twice before the waterfall stopped flowing. Slowly wiping his mouth with the edge of his jumpsuit's sleeve, Noah stood up, making sure to avoid crushing a body beneath his maintenance boots. That chick from before was still there, staring at....Damn, the vault door was open! "Leaving me behind wasn't very nice, y'know." He frowned, speaking up from behind the girl. Leaping over the hole, Noah walked out of the elevator, rolling his shoulders. "Mr. Bogeyman down there almost killed me." He couldn't really blame her, honestly. Despite the ease in which he snarked, the man's voice was slightly shaky - his brain hadn't got down processing all of this, just yet. He had began to turn around, only for the sound of a gun cocking to stop him in his movement. Noah slowly rubbed his eyes, before gazing into the rather dark Vault Entrance room. A guy, a tad familiar, was standing there, looking at them suspiciously, accompanied by a couple of others. He also had a gun. "Well, shit. So, you guys opened the vault, right?" He spoke, trying not to look slightly cautious of the gun that, while not aimed at them, was being held in a vaguely threatening manner.