[center][img]http://img00.deviantart.net/6f3a/i/2014/139/a/f/tin_soldiers__last_stand_by_kwibl-d7izjmg.png[/img][/center] [hr] [center][i] The Year is 3711. The advances of human society has plung us into the settlement of the stars. The Consolidated Earth Union have lead humanity into an era of unprecedented technological development. FTL travel was only the tip of the iceberg backed by intelligent AI, human augmentation able to allow the crippled to become supermen and the blind to see further than any normal man. They all backed a massive new age of exploration by the first colony ships sent out all those years ago in the late 21st century. These first ships acted as the seed the germinated into the great plant that stretched its roots all across the galaxy hungrily eating up planets and planting their mark upon them. Starships the sizes of moons, floating colonies and lush verdant utopias created on cold dead moons without any chances of life. This brand new galaxy was not as dead as some may have thought and was filled with life on planets such as ours and others vastly alien new fauna and flora opening up entire new studies and redefining the classical sciences with their foundings and the ruins found on some of these planets suggest that their was those that came before and yet there was no signs of intelligent life as if all of humanity was alone in its own little sandbox called the Milky Way Galaxy. We were the Apex predator, we were the top dogs it seemed the ones left to make our mark as we saw fit. Yet left to our own devices it seemed that conflict was inevitable. The CEU was founded in war, war between the Saturnian colonies and Earth known simply as the Sol War. It was this time when the rebels with their experimental technologies attacked Earth and forced its peoples and nations to unify to protect themselves and to restore order in their system. That was in the year 2123 in the one thousand five hundred and eighty eight years that followed not much had really changed except on the scope of scale. They were not just talking about angry rebels on the moons of Saturn in one contained system, they were talking about entire span of the outer colonies thousands of light years wide and filled with enough people to fill up the entire Sol System hundreds of times later. Citizens angry with the CEU which seemed only concerned with the affairs of government security meaning only those within the inner colonies. These angry citizens began to make appeals, when the appeals did not work they began to protest, when the CEU dismissed these protests they began to riot, and when the CEU cracked down to give a sense of peace a security to those trying to live their lives in the outer colonies it became war. The first known insurgent action against the CEU was in the year 3626 on the small aquatict farming colony of Miodon IV, a gentleman by the name of Charles Liztkvek opened fire with a military grade assault rifle upon the CEU rally post in the area designed to regulate the smooth process of Communications Nodes that allow for quick interstellar communications between the citizens with the CEU. Charles Liztkvek killed two civilians, one security personnel and four CEU communications officers before he was killed by security officers. When his apartment was later raided they found many pamphlets of insurrectionist propaganda for the group known as Humanity's Axe. Humanity's Axe was not the only group of such to form in these times and in the thirty five years following the attack these attacks became more and more frequent. These attacks only served to worsen CEU relations with the outer colonies as the CEU pushed them into what would effectively become an entire military justractied sector as the entire area was put under military control by order of the Department of Colonial Affairs and Relations. Communication Node traffic was restricted as citizens could only view pre approved government sites, calls were monitored and increased raids by CEU Military Police marked the period as the end of any normal relations with the outer colonies. Neither side had the strict moral advantage and so they could not win the battle by public opion but instead it became a long war of attrition as insurrectionist forces attacked primarily from the shadows as Military Police stormed hideouts and took entire cells with brutal efficiency. Though some would later wish for a return to this period of almost peace compared to what would come in the following years. It all came to a head in the year 3661. In early January following the Earth Standard Calendar things began to heat up rapidly after several months of limited insurrectionist activity in the outer rim. What was originally thought as a simple dwindling of resolve was actually the backdrop for a series of very important delegations and meetings between the various insurrectionist cells in the outer colonies and among other influential Anti-CEU players. Following a massive leak of military information on the exact suppressive techniques used by the CEU to battle the insurrectionists and that they were secretly using upon their own people a significant portion of the outer and middle colonies declared a state of rebellion from the CEU and the formation of what they called the Allied Galactic States or AGS for short. The AGS was a new parliamentary republic formed in defiance to the old galactic senate and CEU policy makers. Immediate action was taken place as soon after as AGS spies destroyed the Earth Union's Main Military Base on Mars with a controlled nuclear detonation. This was no longer an insurgency, it was a full blown civil war. It has been almost fifty years since Declaration Day as it has been called by the media. The Consolidated Earth Union is fighting a battle to retain supremacy and keep order and structure to the Galaxy and prevent it from falling to ruin. They are losing. The Allied Galactic States are fighting for freedom, the right to choose and not be looked down by the CEU and its biased policies. They are not winning. In the decades followed Declaration Day pushes have been made by both sides but they are stuck in a constant ebb and flow as they fight to gain one more system only to lose it within the month. Hundreds of thousands of lives have been lost on both sides and more come each day. At the same time scientist on far flung observation posts have detected something in Deep Space, the points are beginning to flash as [i]something[/i], something very big is occurring, something that will change the course of humanity as we know it. This is where our story begins, in the middle of a seemingly endless war as humanity slides from the pinnacle of greatness into depravity once more. This is our story. The story of those fighting in these desperate times[/i][/center] [hr] [Hider=WARNING CLASS V SECURITY CLEARANCE REQUIRED] [color=red][center][H3][sub]__> Warning Accessing Restricted Files..... __> Daedalus Initiative. [/sub][/H3][/center][/color] The Daedalus Initiative is refereed by those with enough security clearance to actually be able to view the files as the CEU's ace in the hole. The original plans for Daedalus began in 3635 when the idea was originally purposed to make the next line of soldiers able to effectively exterminate the insurrectionists cells with a brutal level of efficiency. Yet the proposed methods of creating such soldiers seemed too barbaric, and too inhumane at the time. But the war changed all of that, Daedalus went from the crazed gene therapy project of Special Opreations Command and became one of many new projects ushered into existence to fight against the AGS. In early 3700 at a project meeting with the extended research having finally been put to the test Daedalus with greenlight to go live. Daedalus was an experimental program of the first of its kind. Gene therapy has been performed before but usually it was to prevent any major birth defects that could hamper that child's way of life. Nobody had ever tried it on the scale that Special Operations Command was suggesting. They were speaking of creating human life to design to make the perfect war machine. Sperm and Egg donors went through rigorous testing and examination picking from the best of the crops, high class athletes, award winning scientists, soldiers of the fineist make, and all of the like. The creation of a good base for them to build upon was of vital importance. From there they began to tweak the embryo in its still young forming state and begin to alter the DNA, make the bones stronger, the eyes better, make unset puberty happen quicker, allow for greater muscle mass without hampering the body. They were playing God and creating something that while resembling a human was much, much different. They would age and grow like any normal human but there lives would be much different. They would spent most of their formative years upon Haoma located within the Epsilon Eridani system about as close as you can get to Earth without being in Sol. Haoma was one of the CEU's opreating bases within the inner colonies serving as a buffer between Earth and the rest of the galaxy. Home to several military bases and research institutes separated by huge swaths of untamed wilderness it was the perfect place to rise a batch of super soldiers without anyone rising an eye. Here they would learn military history, science and mathematics cramming an upper level education into their small minds created for just such an occasion. But beside that starting at the age of four they would begin training military training so that by the time they were of age they had spent most of their lives training to be warriors. The first batch would be known as Alpha Company. Alpha Company at its start was made up of six Hundred fertilized eggs, only four hundred made it through the gene therapy and another one hundred and fifty were expected to fail out of the program before it was done. That was what all of it was for really a giant strainer taking out the impurities and the weak and leaving only those who strive for excellence. Some would say throwing children into live fire exercise and running them through obstacle crosses meant for special forces was cruel. SOC didn't think so, the children were military property, they were weapons and weapons had to be fine tuned and sharpened to be effective. After physical training was complete they would go through another round of augmentation therapy before being fitted for their GRAM MARK I Assault Armor the final piece that would complete their image, with weight that would crush a normal man's skeleton and designed specifically to their established traits, the armor itself cost the pay of twenty officers for fifty years. If they were the peak of biological augmentation the GRAM MARK I was the peak of mechanical augmentation fitted with the best technology money could buy. This is the story of these children following them as they become soldiers and beyond. But first, first they had to make it through training. [/hider] [hr] [H3] Weapons[/h3] [i]This is a list that will continue to grow as we progress but here are just some the weapons you may see in the TS universe. You are not limited to these weapons and of course you can make your own if you want.[/i] [hider=ARR-221] [img]http://orig01.deviantart.net/6d33/f/2012/098/6/b/m8_multirole_assault_rifle_by_sucker1999-d4vhmjy.jpg[/img] The ARR Adaptive Range Rifle is the workhorse of the CEU'S Special forces. It's effectiveness is only limited to what attachments you carry for it. It utilizes a Tamago-class mass driver located within the system to propel the 5.56 mm round at high speeds to cause large amounts of death to its targets. A forty round magazine is usually depleted in 10 four round bursts as per the standard firing method of the rifle though it also has single and automatic firing modes. To underestimate the ARR is to underestimate the best. [/hider] [hider=Hawke MK III] [img]http://img01.deviantart.net/5100/i/2014/344/1/9/benoe_p74_p6d_combat_pistol_by_b_e_noe-d86mxz8.jpg[/img] A relialbe all purpose sidearm the Hawke is a soldier's best friend when the going gets tough and tough gets going. The design can either fire single shot or fully automatic depending on scenario and user preference. Most of the Daedalus are trained in use of both at the same time and so during active missions they have two just to be prepared. Can come with a variety of attachments from a range finder, to laser sight and combat flashlight. [/hider] [hider=Sovereign MK 77 Anti-Armor Heavy Railgun] [img]http://img13.deviantart.net/9c2b/i/2012/169/2/a/commission_concept_art___rail_gun_rail_rifle_by_torvenius-d53xgva.jpg[/img] When things really need to boom nothing is better than the Sovereign, capable of piercing heavy armor with ease and piercing through entire buildings no material is too tough for the Sovereign. Large almost 1.2 meters in length the thing is burly and takes up a lot of room and so is usually only carried by heavy weapons specialists.[/hider] [Hider=BS-MKV][img]http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/165/1/2/sgc_93_shotgun_by_dirtbiker715-d3ix162.png[/img] [I]"Speak softly, and carry a big stick" ~ Theodore Roosevelt: Tactician, Military Commander and political leader of the 19th century.[/I] The BS-Mk V: The Mk V as it is commonly known as the heavy assault teams best friends defined as a shotgun and more aline with that of a small cannon, the sheer sound of the beast going off has a scientifically proven demoralizing effect on enemy troops not to mention physical effects of nausea, loss of blood, lose of bodily limbs and death. Semiautomatic the MK V is used in breaches and to clear rooms quickly.[/hider] [Hider=TED] [img]http://img00.deviantart.net/0cdc/i/2013/011/9/4/rifle_industry_ar_precisor_p50_by_joelesaffre-d5r6hjt.jpg[/img] The Tactical Engagement Device is an long range combat device for use when distance is required. Acting more like a small scale rail gun. TED can pierce through most heavy armor with ease and easily sever bones and muscle in half practically making flesh targets explode upon impact. Firing high explosive AP rounds the TED has an effective range of 3,000 meters and a maximum range of 4,500 meters. Recoil dispersion devices are placed into the devices but those untrained with the rifle can still easily dislocate a shoulder from the heavy recoil. [/hider] [Hider=HEOD MK VI] [img]http://img14.deviantart.net/2857/i/2012/252/a/6/syndicate_concept___laws_rocket_launcher_by_torvenius-d5e310w.jpg[/img] The HEOD is your standard run of the mill rocket launcher, it makes things explode when you want things to explode in a spectacularly explosive manner use the HEOD [/hider] [h3] Vehicles [/h3] [i]Once again this list in incomplete but here are so of the nifty machines that we may encounter.[/i] [hider= M8 Jaguar Light Insertion Vehicle] [img]http://orig08.deviantart.net/d2b0/f/2010/234/9/9/attack_jeep_concept_by_neolight.jpg[/img] Jaguar is its name and rapid response is its game, designed to get troops and get them out in a expedient fashion without them getting killed. Has a nifty turret mounted on the top to deal with any foes that may want to come and murder them. Roof is optional [/hider] [Hider=D42-TC Tortoise] [img]http://orig08.deviantart.net/7a17/f/2010/325/4/a/drop_zone_by_meganerid-d33avwp.jpg[/img] The Tortoise is the premier drop ship of the galaxy designed to get thrown into hot drops with little to no fire support the things can take a beating hence the Tortoise. They are equipped for high orbital drops with sealed airtight interiors and reentry plating designed to disperse heat. When you gotta fly not much is better than the Tortoise for getting your guys to the point.[/hider] [Hider= T22-HA Kodiak] [img]http://img12.deviantart.net/ece1/i/2007/068/c/a/tank_by_flyingdebris.jpg[/img] The Kodiak is the all purpose heavy assualt vechile of the CEU tough and reliable and in service for more than a decade the thing is basically an AK-47 of tanks no matter how you beat it up it can always keep on shooting. [/hider] [Hider= QI-45 Assault VTOL] [img]http://img01.deviantart.net/8112/i/2012/029/6/2/vtol_by_kvlticon-d38a8cp.jpg[/img] All purpose assault and reconnaissance aircraft capable of running a variety of roles depending on the situation. [/hider] [h3]GRAM MARK I Assault Armor[/h3] Information Redacted will be added later. [h3] On Technology [/h3] [i]Any question about technology will be answered here and I will update it accordingly.[/i] [h3] Updates [/h3] [list] [*] [b]6/23/2015 OCC Initiated[/b] [*] [b]6/26/2015 Here We Go! [/b] [/list] [hr] [h3]Rules and Regulations[/h3] [list] [*][b]Posting Frequency:[/b] One post for every two to three days would be ideal [*][b]Posting Length:[/b] This RP is high casual so a minimum of two to three solidly written paragraphs per post. [*][b]Mature Content:[/b] Let's keep it civil here nice and clean don't want get in too much trouble [*][b]Violence:[/b] Violence it is a thing it will be happening you should be able to deal with it [*][b]Arguments:[/b] Don't yell at one another [*][b]Refer to the GM:[/b] That would be me if you have any questions. [/list]