[quote=@Sublimation] Genetic modification reminds me of GMO's, which as you know can possess traits from other species such as the secretion of natural pesticide and antifreeze from insects. Could this perhaps be incorporated with the genetic modification of these soldiers? [/quote] That is an interesting idea and I will think about it but I'm going to go into genetic modification more specifically later since genetically they all receive the same modifications since it happens when they are embryos . I have a list somewhere of all the ones that they received I just need to find it later. The tertiary augmentations biological that come before the power armor come later and are basically super steroids used to harden the bone structure and prepare it to hold the weight of the GRAM. Their cyberaugs vary from soldier to soldier but genetically they recive the same augmentations because human augmentation procedures at this level of basically shaping the DNA as they see fit as a dangerous game that has terrible side effects if the body can't handle it. As shown through a large portion of the embryos not even making it through the modification.