Link had been struggling for quite some time to get motivation to move again, but having Nayrin forced out of their travels due to injury had thrown him completely off. Despite nearly drowning in the river due to his heavy equipment, it wasn’t a care or concern to him when he was completely stricken by fear over what he had done. He had locked away his very essence and with Nayrin gone nobody else knew his secret. Everybody was completely oblivious and didn’t know anything about the amulet, but that fact probably wouldn’t help him right now when even after being pulled from the river he was still feeling cold and empty. He didn’t feel like this before, this was a completely new development for him and he didn’t even know if it was that was making him feel worse than he did before. He felt as if he could never warm up and had become numb to most things, a negativity that was building up overtime. He was too afraid to tell the others of what he had done to end up feeling this way, a fear that was only going to have everyone getting suspicious over him. The Hero wasn’t supposed to feel this much fear and worry after a battle, he should feel confident and ready to take on whatever else might block their path. It was everything he was not and all that now lay trapped in an amulet he refused to show others. Link just wasn’t feeling too good overall. He wanted to sleep but all he would have was dreamless naps that would serve no purpose and deny him the rest he deserved. He couldn’t get the wounds he had sustained healed because he knew if he allowed them to try to heal him that suspicion would only grow when light magic had no effect on him. To say he was bruised on the outside only was saying very little about what he was truly feeling, his muscles definitely having seen better days. Sitting by himself, he felt lonely and empty, wondering whether the destiny he was set to fulfil would still happen if he waited just a little bit longer to open the amulet to let his spirit out. To open the amulet at the 72 hour mark would probably set the destiny in motion all over again, but to ride on guesses made him wonder if he should even be hesitant about this. To keep it closed and see if his destiny would still come true was incredibly risky compared to opening it and facing up to his fears. All he needed to do was tell someone about this or open it in secret at the 72 hour mark, but he was too cowardly. What a pathetic hero he turned out to be, all scared over the opinions of others who might be worried about him and how pale he looked.