[i]Three years, fifteen days... And two and a half weeks I'd like to say since I left home... Yet almost every night that I'm here I have odd dreams... Perhaps this is what others call "fate" or "Destiny".[/i] A male stared up in a hut, he was grooming his hair a bit with a rectangular brush his mother gave him. Upon sitting up he was greeted by his care taker. "Ooh... Good morning Rohzar" The male said with a slight lisp; not by intention, but simply because things rolled out they way they do. The care taker looked to be in his mid twenties, wore a green tunic as he had his hair braided back with feathers in it, his tan skin seeming to shimmer from the light for what would be considered an entrance. He reached his large hand out and helped the younger one from his bed. "Go bathe. New faces will be here. Ones you're not familiar with. Not that you speak to many... But first... I want you to do your daily exercises. Work the heart, the muscles, and eat. Then finally bathe." Rohzar had a heavy tone to his voice that implied there was urgency; then again he was the boy's care taker for a reason. The tanned man left the hut to give the boy his space. The Half Ronso began to do a set of push ups, fifty to be exact. [i]Why do I never get use to this...[/i] he thought. By time he had finished, his shoulders popped from the exercise. Next was the sit ups, his stomach began to hurt, this was nothing new. Next was a set of three levels of crunches, then two hundred leg twirls. By time he was done he was sore even before his day was starting. His heart was racing, but it was because of his obvious routine. It wasn't long before the tanned care taker returned with roasted meat as well as a potassium filled beverage from the blending of many fruits. Cassius nodded in appreciation as he began to eat what was offered. He particularly liked the threaded and spiced meat; it had an exquisite flavor that he was not used to in Luca, mostly because he was particularly picky about what he ingested. And finally, he slammed his beverage before receiving a change of clothes. He nodded thankfully, not particularly not needing to give words to the care taker. In his hands he held his folded clothes, a towel, scent stones, a mix of herbal shampoos from Luca that his mother sends once a month, and his Atelier, which was a heavy piece of equipment that greatly resembled a large handgun with multiple dials. He walked into the bright sun light, jogging as he ran down to the lake area that was not far from the beach. He undressed as he dived into the water; his pours were already open as he than watched the scent stone release a cleansing foam which he applied to himself, pulling all dirt and minerals from himself before lastly washing his hair with the shampoo. After he was done bathing, he dried himself off as quickly as possible as he heard a loud ruckus from the beach... Now he understood why he was told to be quick. He placed the Atelier's tip into the water as he pressed the toggle above the handle, it began to pull the minerals and expelled cleaning supplies into the machine, to which where clustered into one gem that slid of a tube from the Atelier. He examined the gem before placing back into the tube before toggling the "division" function. The machine rumbled before there was three other gems. One of which was just the concentrated cleaning supplies, just in a condensed form, next to it was a bright blue water gem, then a brown earth gem from the soil. He placed the Atelier on his Holster with the gems in respectful slots. "Right... Back to the village..."