Eric _______________________________________ "You shouldn't talk for a few minutes." Eric said to Ash after getting his name tag on and sitting on the sofa across from him. He jumped a little when Ms. Mabel came and and cut both of them a little deep but it pasted. Now all he could do is and wait with Ashburn until he got better. As he waited he leaned back on the couch and looked at the ceiling. He thought about what had got him to this point. He cam back to America to go to college but was only getting enough to pay tuition. His heath took a turn for the worst so his parents had to pay for his hospital bills. Eric felt bad enough asking them for money for college and health he would make his won spending money. After weeks of looking for a job he found one here. Although he applied as a chief, he was grateful for Ms. Mabel form the waiter job. This job also helped with his shyness. If he did't want to lose this job he was going to have to talk to others. His first week on the job he had a lot of screw ups; serving the food to the wrong tables, mixing up orders in the kitchen, breaking a few dishes. It was tough but with a little guidance and some positive reinforcement (Mabel) he got his act in order. Now he sat in front of Ashburn wondering if he was ok. Eric had seen him fall out once before, but not like this. "Well if your feeling better maybe we should go save Zachary, before he breaks a plate and Ms. Mabel takes it out of our pay checks." Eric said to Ashburn in his heavy German accent. It always got heavy when he tried to be friendly.