Abaddon watched as Thasseldar put his plan into motion. He opened his portals, causing the oncoming battalions to trample each other to death. Things might have been working for now, but Abaddon knew that such an effort would quickly drain his energy and leave him vulnerable to the surviving fish men. It was only a matter of time before- [i]CRACK. BOOM.[/i] That happened. The Realmswalker's staff exploded, letting out a flash of bright green and purple light while its master was knocked backwards onto the ground. It seriously must have sucked to be him, because soon enough those angry sea creatures were going to turn him into a fine paste. "Shit!" Abaddon landed next to his ally's side and unleashed two waves of the Devourer's Wrath on their enemies. The magic turned the first few rows of the battalions to ash and gore while the rest were blasted backwards onto each other. This should have made enough time to summon them... "You wanted to join the babies? Fine, take some for the road!" Abaddon created a large portal from which four fully grown demon locusts eagerly dashed out from. A small group of these things might have seemed like too little considering the circumstances, but it was more enough due to the size and features of these monsters. Slightly larger than a military helicopter, these locusts wings, legs, and bodies appeared to be covered with golden armor. Their claws were significantly sharper, and both their teeth and stinging tails dripped with a venom potent enough to cause the ground to sizzle and erode with each drip. Couple all of that with a ravenous appetite, and you have quite the force to reckon with. "Kill!" The four locusts charged forth upon the recovering ranks, trampling them underfoot and spewing acidic poison from their mouths. Any shots that were fired upon them did nothing but bounce off, and within minutes they were making a massacre out of the large groups of sea monsters. Some of the remaining locusts that Abaddon summoned earlier showed up as well, gathering around the adults and following the commands they were seemingly being given. "Come on, we need to move elsewhere," Abaddon told Thasseldar. He wondered when this battle would end. By the looks of it there were still more sea monsters on the way, making Abaddon heavily consider the option of summoning several more of the adult locusts to REALLY cut down their numbers. That would certainly make things a lot easier, but [s]lolthat's3broke5me[/s] the bastards were already destructive and ravenous enough on their own. A full on swarm, even if it was at his command, would go berserk with bloodlust and turn its attention to things other than what Abaddon needed dead.