Yeah, basically, what [@baskets] said, we already have a Quantum bounty hunter. As for being a terrorist/religious fanatic, I'd like everyone to be on the same team. Since 'terrorist' is such a poorly-defined term anyways, let's just focus on the religious fanatic part. There actually is a Quantum 'religion' that has room for fanaticism: "The Perfect Machine Ideology". The ideology basically states that 'evil' comes from a survival/Darwinian/'animal' nature and that to be 'good' one has to transcend that base nature, making machines, AKA Quantums idea sources of good, as long as they can abandon their 'human' weaknesses. Most Quantums believe in the Ideology to varying degrees, for example, the lance leader, Pharazon believes that the Perfect Machine embodies 'purity of the mind' and has chosen to suppress their emotions as well as make themself androgynous as Pharazon believes that gender is a physical aspect that has too much 'emotion' attached to it. The captain of the Destiny Squadron who I have yet to mention has chosen a robot-looking body instead of a human-looking one believing more in the 'physical perfection' of the machine body. So in an ideology like this, one fanatic extreme would consider all humans as evil or inferior, or something like that.