Akio's feet made the familiar clinking sound as he made his way up the metal staircase to the top of the building. Thankfully it was only a few flights until he reached the rooftop, but from there he was able to survey the scene before him and could finally see the monster fully. Even with being at the height he was, the creature still rose up fairly close to his level. It's metallic body glowed under the lights glistening like ice. This was an event that Akio never in a thousand years thought he would be a part of, and he stood there in subtle fear at what he had to face. Luck however played in his favour as he had been saved by the man who he knew as John Doe, and the assumed xxYangtze92 was the second person that came along. Looking down he could see a third person entering into the mix, a younger girl. "Alex?" [i]"Was she going to be ok?"[/i] he wondered to himself. If he was correct, she was fairly new to her abilities as well and knowing how to control them was something left to the unknown. Hopefully she would be ok, but being able to survey the scene from above, Akio could ensure that he could keep an eye on what was going on. If things got dire, he may be able to create a distraction or guide the others to safe locations, but from the look of his current state, he may not be ready for the front line of this battle. Blood dripped onto his shoes, and he felt the warmth oozing down his arm. His wound didn't look deep, but for some reason it wasn't easing up and as he lifted his arm to examine it, he felt a sharp pain through his collarbone. "Grrrr..." The pain shot through his side like a hot, razor knife and pulling back his shirt with his free arm only revealed what he was dreading most. Akio saw a large black bruise forming on the edge of his shoulder. As he touched it he could feel the swelling and tenderness with a stinging pain. It must have been from that hit took when he landed against the wall, but whatever the damage was it was sure to keep him on the reserve bench for the time being. It was at that moment that he felt something crash into the entire building, looking over the edge, he could see the snake had fallen against the surface with the three others darting around underneith. "This isn't a great place to be, is it?" Running to the side, Akio made the small leap to the next building over before hearing the sounds of collapsing form work next door. Continuing on with his dash he made another leap towards a third structure. The last building was taller and he was only going to make it towards a small window on the side. It was enough though and as he made the leap he clicked the button on the side of his grips, watching the cannons begin to form. "Just a bit more..." Akio began to straighten out his arm as the cannons moulded themselves into existence. "Come on!!!!" Just as the cannons came into existence and pulled the trigger and made the shot. [b]*KABOOM*[/b] The wall exploded into a shower of debris allowing him to pass through, but at the same time he happened to slam that same shoulder into an edge that was withstood the blast. "Fuck!!!" he screamed in agony as he knew he probably cause more damage to his injured body, but at the same time he knew it was better than having a building collapse underneath his feet.