[color=6ecff6][b] “They may be dummies, but that doesn’t count as an excuse…” N[/b][/color]aisha replied when Alex patted her on the back. The mage liked the red head, but she was too lenient sometimes. The way Gippal disappeared for 5 years without a warning or a single word was deserving more than just being hit with a blitzball. [b]"Hey there..." [/b]Gippal smiled while pointing at his nose which was bleeding slightly. [b]"looks like your aim is still right on."[/b] Naisha’s eye twitched again.[color=6ecff6][b]” Are you trying to get me to hit you also with my staff? Of course my aim is still right on. I may not be able to play or to throw the ball normally, but I’m still practicing every single day.”[/b][/color] She stated, still using her staff as a support.[color=6ecff6][b]” You know, I help the team with their training now, well you saw how my magic throw works. Also prepare to call me manager, cause I do most of the paperwork too… cause someone is too busy playing around all day *cough*”[/b][/color] She stated throwing a look at Tidus. Who while being excellent trainer and player… well just didn’t have the mind for paperwork. [color=6ecff6][b]“Forget not showing up! You didn’t send a single message for the whole 5 years!” [/b][/color]She shouted, which caused her to start breathing heavily again.[color=6ecff6][b]” What? You didn’t get the time to record even a brief message sphere to say you are okey!? We had to go ask Lady Yuna to contact your parent’s to even learn if you are still alive!” [/b][/color]She continued to shout, forcing her to breathe more and more heavily. Eventually she was forced to reach towards her chair so she can take a seat. [color=6ecff6][b]“Seriously… This is the last time…”[/b][/color] She said, finally starting to return her normal breathing.[color=6ecff6][b]” Next time you pull something like this, when I see you, you better have good protection cause instead of a blitzball you are going to be met with a Firaga.” [/b][/color]She said and a smile appeared on her face. Then she threw another harsh look at Tidus.[color=6ecff6][b]” You aren’t escaping this unscratched though… as a punishment I’m going to leave you to boil in your own sauce… I have a pile of paperwork that needs to be done and I’m not going to do it for you this time… And don’t you dare ask lady Yuna like you did last time.”[/b][/color] She threatened the trainer. [color=6ecff6][b]“I do hope you have interesting stories to tell for all that wandering…”[/b][/color] She finally said, looking at Gippal.