[b]Fulton Public Library, Atlanta, Georgia United States of America[/b] Anastasia was always one to listen while another spoke before putting in any of her own thoughts into word, though as the professor spoke she nodded quietly in agreement of certain things and waited patiently. In some cases she would take notes to remember what the other would have said, though with a memory like hers it was just to be polite to her teachers at school; she didn’t do it for John because a waste of paper is never a good thing anymore. Her eyes followed his and his lips, his hands as he spoke and made gestures that seemed to go along with what he was saying and most of it was understandable. Being on one of the higher floors of the building she could understand where he was coming from; with the dead littering the first floor other survivors could see them as being penned in and not able to really leave – not that she wanted to, her limp would just slow John down. If he ever chose to leave the library, he may have to leave her behind depending on her state of health at the time. [color=mediumvioletred]“If it comes to that I want you to be careful, I don’t know how much help I can really be.”[/color] Anastasia responded to his saying he could lead away the possible horde of zombies that could be attracted to the noise of making the planters they would need to build on the roof top. [color=mediumvioletred]“We might need a shelter as well, and something to keep the birds from eating the seeds all the time. Too much rain could wash away the seeds or drown the plants themselves.”[/color] He’d spoken against the bird, seeing as they may be carriers of other diseases as well as this infection that killed people at random and turned them into something from those horror movies that she used to watch with her brothers before all of the moving and leaving them behind in Italy. She hadn’t thought much of it honestly, when she made her suggestion, but it made her curious to know if it did affect the animals the same way it did humans or if they were mere carriers of it. She may be able to identify it if she had to chance to study something and look for abnormalities inside of the animals’ genetic coding or bloodstream; if it was possible to identify it she could find it in the human equivalent and find a way against it though she wouldn’t have the resources for any of it for now. [color=mediumvioletred]“After we get the planters working and find another canned food to last us a while, I want to see if I can find what it is that causes this. If I know what it looks like then we can see if it’s in the animals or not. See how it responds to heat and cold. I haven’t seen an animal revive yet but that doesn’t mean it can’t happen, not until we know for sure what the limits are.”[/color] It was a habit of hers to speak quickly and when she did there was a slight accent to the way she spoke, making her sound excited even though there was not that tell-tale sparkle in her eyes this time when speaking of furthering her knowledge. This time her expression was grim and dissatisfied with her own knowledge of what it was that plagued them. It was a horrible feeling for her, as someone who tended to know anything about everything that the common person would ever think to ask her about; even the most obscure and strange topics. He’d spoken of her learning again though, this time of the layout of the city she had only really lived in for two years and yet never dared to adventure it – the last time she had, her parents had died. Layouts were always something she had loved, she could point out the location of some of the best places to visit throughout the world and yet, the place that had meant to be her home was currently null and void in her own memory. [color=mediumvioletred]“Of course I could. I would say it would be faster for me to just learn the route and go with you, but walking with you would be difficult for such long ways and I’m better use here where I can take care of everything.”[/color] The young woman stood for a moment, flattening the skirt of her dress and testing her leg with a little bit of pressure before walking around a little bit. She was getting stiff and thinking about it had made her need to stand and stretch for a minute. Thinking as well was something that promoted her to begin pacing in that odd, lopsided fashion that was her way of walking.[color=mediumcioletred] “I’ll need books of growing, planting, and possible repair; maps of the city and closer areas. . .”[/color] Anastasia was muttering to herself as she thought and paced, shuffling through her memories to see where she had seen the things she could need. Of course, she’d so need to move to one of the tables. Coming back to John she sat down beside him again on the bench seat, just far enough away that they weren’t touching but not so far as to spear to be avoiding the possible contact that was likely to happen with the amount the girl fidgets when she thinks. [color=mediumvioletred]“I think I know where everything I’ll need is. Maps are on the third floor in the world section, fourth shelf I think – I haven’t really looked. There are pens and highlighters in the second drawer on the left in the desk of the main office on this floor and I can find everything else after you go.”[/color] Anastasia rambled off the locations she remembered to him, forgetting that he might not remember that as clearly as she would and a thought suddenly occurred to her. She looked up at him, surprised to have not thought of the small detail before, though the entire thing may depend on it for efficiency and speed.[color=mediumvioletred] “How are we going to get it all here without drawing it all out?”[/color] He mentioned her leg and the rain after she’d spoken and done her pacing and her gaze dropped to where he leg stuck out awkwardly from where she sat and lifted quietly to the rain outside of the window. [color=mediumvioletred]“I guess I can do the washing tomorrow.” [/color]The girl said with a small smile and a quiet laugh, these rare things only ever really coming out in odd moments and times when she was doing what she did best with something familiar and comforting around her. The nights had become dark for the first time in possibly hundreds of years in the last two months, each fire easy to spot if one looked for them though she didn’t spend much time doing it other than to record the movements of other groups of survivors. [color=mediumvioletred]“We could break it again?”[/color] It was dry and humorless when she said it, though as she turned she lifted it so that her foot rested on the bench between them. Her dress slid off her knee and rested on at the bottom of her leg while she leaned forward to gesture for his hand. [color=mediumvioletred]“It shifted when the. . when that zombie grabbed me and didn’t set right again afterward. So it’s healed crooked. The only thing I can do really is eat enough protein and work it to regain the muscle mass I lost.” [/color] [@Sven the Silent]