[hider=Alex Little] Name:Alex Little Appearance: Short and wiry, a small frame that fits his name. His skin is unnaturally pale, and seems to be almost translucent at times. His face is thin and a little haggard, and his dark brown eyes constantly dart about. His hair is short and black. Age: 19 Gender: Male Experiment Type: Mutagenics, specialized clothing and weaponry to complement powers Powers: Alex's powers are a mixture designed to keep him both safe, and as far away from the center of attention as possible. Alex's skin can change colors to match his surrounding area, while not totally invisible, makes him hard to see when not looking for him, and nearly impossible to find in the dark. He also has heightened senses, allowing him to see in near pitch darkness, and navigate by sound in complete darkness. In addition to his powers he is equipped with a jumpsuit that changes color along with his skin, developed by the doctor using skin cells from the last batch of experiments. When not using his powers it looks like plain, white, workman's jumpsuit. Finally Alex has a dagger and sheath. While the dagger's hilt and sheath also blend with him, the blade does not. If he keeps it sheathed, it remains camouflaged with him. Weaknesses: Alex has little to no combat skills, and would quickly lose any fight where he didn't have the element of surprise. If caught in broad daylight, he'd be found if looking close enough. Also sensitive to bright lights and sounds due his heightened senses. A flashbang would render him useless. Bio: Alex was always a punk, a delinquent, but above all, he was a coward. He avoided conflict all his life, despite the fact he would often start it with joking and needling others whenever he felt he could get away with it. A rap sheet of petty theft, vandalism, and hooliganism led to the book getting thrown at him after being caught breaking and entering, and charged with a felony. Alex was given a choice, three years in prison or six months of government sanctioned medical trials. The choice was obvious. After nearly two and a half years of experimentation, his humor changed as well, developing into a mixture of mania and sardonic fatalism. [/hider]