[hider=Sophie Hendrix] [b]Name:[/b] Sophie Hendrix [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Sophie]Her transformation has caused her to grow a considerable amount. She stands 7' tall, quite a bit more than the 5' 8" from before. [img]http://i.imgur.com/apUL8dE.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Experiment Type:[/b] Initially one of Dr. Victor's failed experiments, but later a fully realized product of Prof. Talia's. [b]Powers:[/b] [list][*]Able to fly. [*]Breath fire. [*]Increased senses and reflexes. [*]Moderate increase of strength.[/list] [b]Weaknesses:[/b] [list][*]Extreme cold can affect her significantly. She becomes slow and lethargic until she adjusts. [*]Water can have a similar effect though not nearly to the same degree. More of a inconvenience than anything. [*]Her high body temperature makes it nearly impossible to hide from thermal imaging. [*]Her appearance also make it difficult to hide out in public.[/list] [b]Bio:[/b] Sophie started out as one of Victor's attempts to make a higher caliber fire wielder. Having gone through several subjects the experiments always ended with the test subject bursting into a spectacular blaze. While watching people burn alive was entertaining and all when his last lab rat looked to end in the same manner he moved on to work on more promising ventures. Left to die from the inside out what ended up saving her was Talia. That is not to say she was much better off. The professor's methods were quite unusual. Being an archeologist, Talia has amassed quite a few relics of the past. Most are informational and used for research. But occasionally some very special items come into her possession. Things of legend and myth were what Talia intended to prove were just as legitimate as science. With strange potions containing who knows what to ancient rituals, Sophie's transformation began to take shape. Each passing day she became more creature like and less human. The girl adapted to the high temperatures that her body was constantly running at, developed scales across her body, grew claws on her hands and feet, the spine elongated and segmented into a whip like tail, and the even more obvious wings developed. As far as Talia was concerned the dragon was reborn. Interestingly enough Sophie was not often overly aggressive toward Talia. Despite the painful and bizarre process she did save the young woman's life. Whether the behavior is instinctual of a conscious decision is unknown. What is for sure is that she will not hesitate to try and harm Victor. [/hider]