Redmond slipped into the ladies bathroom [color=darkgray]((Wait a minute?...))[/color]. He pulled a small vial of blood out of his side pocket and put it by the door. It was from the body that he was currently presenting himself as; it would be useful if he ever had a run in with a hunter, if only to fool them for a little while. He preferred a male body by nature, but he would shift into female form just so he could eat the other employees. [i]Lunch time.[/i] He realized that eating her on the spot would make some noise, so he planned to knock her out for a little while and eat her after he took the appearance of the manager and shut down the diner. With his plan in mind, he snuck around the corner, staying low so she wouldn’t see him in the mirror. Not that she would anyways; her face was buried in her hands and she appeared to be having a mental breakdown. He stood back up when he was behind her at an angle. A few seconds later she finally looked up, surprise filling her face quickly. He smacked her cleanly on the side of the head so she wouldn’t start screaming. He winced as she fell solidly onto the floor, hitting her head again and knocking her out for good. [i]Noise…[/i] he dragged her to a stall and positioned her on there. [i]Don’t go away…[/i] he touched her shoulder, assuming her form and shrinking a little in size. If he wasn’t what he was, he would be very weak indeed… [i]how does she survive in that crappy sized body?[/i] He didn’t even see muscle on it. He (or, as of now, she) went back out the door. She was glad that his power allowed her to copy clothes as well - that would be an annoying extra to deal with. [i]Lets have a little fun…[/i] she considered going into the back and luring people, but there was a host of nasty beings to… [i]what did they call it?[/i] [i]Oh yeah, troll.[/i]