“Well, anyway…” Phil tried to explain. However, one of the renegades came up to him and instructed “Mr. Ripley, please follow me. The Boss wishes to speak with you in private”. “Well, Fine. Just let me talk with my people quickly” Phil agreed, turning towards the group. “Listen, just wait here and occupy yourselves until I get back” he suggested and then followed. “So, where is he?” Phil asked after about a minute of walking about outside. “Right here” Said a voice all too familiar. “Will!” Phil replied in both shock and terror. Will stood there, smiling behind his mask, with his arms crossed and an entourage of interesting looking Vygorns behind him. “Hello there Phil. Hiding out with the local Militia are we?” He asked in a coy tone. “No matter.” He continued. “I’ve come with an offer.” “W-who are they?” Phil questioned with hesitation, readying two swords of conjured light. He focused each one down. There was seven in total, excluding Will. “They’re my response to you. Kind of a compliment in some sense.” He joked with a twisted sense of humour he developed over the last 20 years. “It doesn’t really matter WHO they are. It’s what they and I are going to DO that matters.” He explained, readying an ornate spear he drew from his back. The spear Phil all too well remembered. Phil took a deep breath before releasing a blinding light that lingered for a few seconds. When Will and his team of anti-Hygrons recovered from the light, Phil had already ran. Will chuckled, which then developed into the laughter of a maniac. He all of a sudden just clapped his hands together. “Well played, Mr Ripley. Well played.” The psychopath commented. He then pointed at the man that had brought Phil here. “You! Send the signal.” He commanded. The Renegade traitor nodded and ran off from the Warehouse in a hurry. Will began walking towards the Warehouse, signalling the Anti-Hygrons to follow. “Destroy them.” He commanded, and with those words, the Anti-Hygrons began running towards the Warehouse, with the leader of the Vygorns walking behind. As Phil ran, he sensed two different Vygorns with… similar void patterns heading towards him. With a tactful combat roll, Phil dodged both a kick and an upper cut aimed at him. When he turned around, he was in the presence of two anti-Hygorns. One was male, one was female, but they were similar in structure and stance. The twins in front of him was Annabelle and Frederick. Frederick stood there in his own fighting stance while Annabelle was looking at Phil with a playful look. “You should probably get going old man, I think you’re friends are going to need you.” She commented. "Yeah..." Phil replied before realising the insult. "Hey!" he shouted "Im not even that old..." He took up a fighting stance in response. Before any actual fighting happened, the other Anti-Hygrons were already running past the three. "Annabelle." Frederick stated. Annabelle tutted and rolled her eyes before running off with the others, straight torwards the front entrance of the Warehouse, in plain view too. Frederick, on the other hand, used his void rush to dash straight to Phil, forming into a black mist-like substance going straight towards the light hygron at speed, before reforming and going for the punch with a right hook. Phil reacted to the hook quickly by moving at the speed of light, seemingly teleporting instantly behind the Vygorn. He then countered with a quick, yet harsh kick to the back. Fred was taken aback by the speed that matched his own, and had no doubt that the oldest of the enemy could surpass his own capabilities. Fred took the kick full on and spun around, turning back torwards Phil. This was going to be an interesting fight. Meanwhile, in front of the warehouse, the Renegades were already mobilisng. The Boss was also arming up with his fellow comrades shouting out orders too. The first to reach the Warehouse was Riku. The red-headed brawler charged straight torwards the Renegades with Void Fire swirling around his fists. A Renegade charged back with a baseball bat and swung for the head. Riku duck and punched him in the gut, following up with a harsh uppercut that sent the Renegade up and tumbling back. Riku ran straight to the next target, who was running for a gun, and delivered a powerful blow into the back of the head. Drew was the next to approach, with the coldest expression on his face. He pointed his pistol at one Renegade and fired. The bullet whizzed through the air and made its mark in the mans chest, rupturing it with blood and ichor spraying out too. Beside him was Takashi, who had a smile on his face that matched the grin imprinted on his surgeon mask. He pulled out an array of scalpels and knives he had in his back pocket, all wedged inbetween his fingers. Four Renegades tried to flank them but Takashi threw the blades in his hand. Each one made a squelch as they individually embedded themselves in the chests of the Renegades. Takashi ran up to one and slided behind him, stabbing a hidden syringe into his neck. The fluid ran deep into his veins and messed with his head. In the Renegades mind, his former friends had twisted into vivid monstrosities coming towards him. He screamed in fright and sprayed them down with the AK-47 in his hands. A second after, his head bursted open by the bullet Drew had shot. Takashi shot Drew a look. "I was enjoying myself a second there." He commented disappointedly. Annabelle darted back and forth between enemies, kicking or punching a renegade once before using the Void Rush to go to another target. Renegades attempted to shoot her but she moved at such a pace that it was near impossible for the soldiers to draw a bead on her. The blonde-haired man, Simon, was cutting swathes through the Renegades, stabbing one then slicing the arm of the other, while Zeke was swinging his katanas in mad flurries, decapitating a Renegade there and then eviscerating another. It was a slaughter...