When Kettle called for everyone's attention, Lila stopped and joined the others. It was now that things were explained in more detail. Honestly the spider woman did not know much about the tree that was being discussed. Her people were not much of storytellers. But it did seem to relate to rumors she'd heard. Supposedly some of the larger and longer caves were carved in the earth by enormous tree roots. Lila had never given much mind to that tale but this seemed to lend some validity to it. Others seemed to know more about the subject, but without much consensus. True or not finding an ancient city would still be an amazing find. "I know nothing of this tree, but I for one do not care if the prize we seek exists or not. I jump at the chance to rediscover a city. But should we find this seed them I too would like to know what we plan to do with it." While she had listened to the others Lila would have to side with Clavic's scepticism.