Evenkite groaned as she lifted herself up, using Amber's leg for support and rubbing her forehead, where the impact had been. On the bright side, at least the other noise seemed to have stopped, so now at least she didn't need to add a headache as another source of paint in her head. [color=fff79a]"Excuse me,"[/color] she mumbled in a slightly dazed state, apparently not having heard the ''ello'. With her head held low, she let go of the leg and took a few steps back. A few awkward moments passed where Evenkite said nothing and did nothing, her body completely still and her gaze fixed to the floor. She remained like so until finally, she blinked. And with that blink, her demeanour had changed completely. With alarming speed, her head shot up, attempting (and mostly failing) to make eye contact with the larger being. The scowl from before had returning to her face, and with it her annoynace. [color=fff79a]Evenkite took a step forward in what might have been an intimating manner, if it weren't for the fact that she measured up to the other's knee. "Wait, no, [i]excuse you[/i]! Yelling your head off like that...Why, I never. [i]You [/i]think you're the only one here, don't you, huh? Self-centered much?" [/color]Evenkite crossed her arms across her chest and stuck her hooked nose into the air, turning away from the other gem. Narrowing her eyes, she, her head still turned, gave a sideways glance. Or rather, a glare. [color=fff79a]"Well, [i]I [/i]think you best apologize, Loudmouth." [/color] Before she waiting for her reply, she turned to Emerald -what was with all the new gems all of a sudden?- and though she probably didn't mean for it to sound hostile, she let out a quick [color=fff79a]"What do [color=fff79a]you [/color]want?"[/color] which sounded more like a snarl than a question. She didn't seem to see Sodalite, and if she did, she took no notice.