Zircon had been dozing off on that rock she was sitting before her ears picked up the noises that was going about, for her ears were not entirely focused on them. How long has that been going on? Zircon wiped her face before sliding off the rock where she winds up into a crouching position. She puts her hands on the ground again and then wipes the dirt off her hands awkwardly once again. Zircon looks towards the direction of where she thinks the commotion is coming from. She wasn't sure if she should go towards it or not, but she winds up walking towards it anyway. She walked slowly, still unsure if she should even be approaching. As she reached the source of the noise, there she found a green-skinned person, a large orange one, and then a tiny yellow one. Zircon was kinda just...standing there, out in the open. She was around...eight feet away? Nine feet? Somewhere around there, that was her distance from them. She watched with a slightly tilted head. What's even going on?