[h3]Shizuka Otonashi || Ferrero Mall || April 26 SUN[/h3] Pointing an index finger up, as if she had an idea, Shizuka commented, [color=violet]"Ah, so that would make you Saji-senpai then! But I see, I for one have been a resident here for the longest time, it'd be my pleasure to serve a few tips on places to take a visit."[/color] As the two students started on their trail to who knows where, the younger student rested her index finger below her lip thoughtfully, recalling the areas she had once gone with her friends or she had happen to stumble upon. Before she had any place in her mind, a silly, little thought occured to her. [i][color=violet]'This sort of situation faintly gives off a familiar feel.... Was it a scenario from one of the shoujo mangas I've read? But that's a silly ide--'[/color][/i] Suddenly, as if by a crazy coincidence made up by some sort of shoujo God, a man who had just happened to be cradling a bouquet of crimson roses passed by a huge electric fan, causing a shower of red petals at the scene in the most ridiculous manner. Shizuka paused in her walking to stare in astonishment at how this scene just played with her mind at her silly claim of it being "shoujo-like". With taps on her cheeks using both her hands, the raven haired girl attempted to settle herself down, following after Masa once more and parting her lips to reply to his inquiry. [color=violet]"P-Places to unwind, a-alright. Well, um, there is a game arcade popular among the youth, couple of relaxing cafes around the town premises, a public park, quiet or lively depending on the time of the day and hm... the amusement park and the family karaoke place are fantastic places to visit with friends."[/color] A moment after listing off the spots she could currently remember, she realized how these places were the common venues for her shoujo manga characters to be in and mentally embarrassed herself more. Shizuka flinched, startled at being thrown another set of inquiries while having these unspeakably embarrassing thoughts. She cleared her throat in an attempt to keep a calm composure before slightly stuttering a reply. [color=violet]"O-Oh! A-About that, actually, not exactly, n-no. Truth be told, I've had an accident similar to yours, it was the pre-Golden Week sales and well... You could imagine the amount of people."[/color] If the male student were truly living around the area for years, even he might have heard of how crazy the sales could be. [color=violet]"Um... I don't mean to pry into your privacy but is this the first time for you to be... errr, in this sort of condition?"[/color]